Saturday, December 08, 2007


I am done with school this semester. I have decided to take the C in my business class. I have 766/1000 points right now, which is a high C, and I'm okay with that. I finished my test for Drama (got an 86) and as long as I get a B on my final script I should have an A in that class. Yay.

Okay, here are some random news stories that just make you go 'WTF?':

Coach has sex with 16 year old hockey player.
Um, how stupid are you? You're 35, she's 16, she's jail bait, she's your student, she trusts you, she'll probably break up with you soon anyway since she is 16. Also, do you think her father would not call her friends house where she was 'staying the night', and what if the friend got mad and told where she really was? Plus, giving her gifts? Don't you think her parents will wonder where she got the new iPod and cell phone? You deserve the $30,000 fine (not so much 15 years in jail, as she was old enough to make most decisions and I think the jails are over-crowded as it is, so we should keep space for people like murderers open).

Penn State Students Dress Up As VT Victims.
That is just wrong. It is uncalled for, and is actually pretty disgusting. Innocent people were murdered by a deranged psychopath; those people were brothers and sisters, daughters and sons, fathers and mothers, friends and significant others - how would you feel if someone you knew had been killed that day and you saw someone dressed in what you wore? Shame on you, Penn State girls, you disgust me.

And finally: Guy Finds Condom in Burger.
Ew. Just.. nasty. I honestly almost threw up when I saw that headline. That is so disgusting. I'm guessing one of the workers thought it would be funny to play a trick on someone (stranger or maybe they thought they knew him - either way), lo and behold what happened. So gross. I am so glad I don't eat Burger King.

Quick rant, because what would a post of mine be without one? ;)
I ordered some presents from Victoria's Secret, and they were delivered on time - that part I am fine with. The problem? I didn't know they were delivered. As some of you know, I have had complications with this pregnancy and therefore it is best if I don't work, also all of my classes are (were?) online so I am at home until at least 7pm every day.

My rant is that UPS did not try to deliver it to my door; they took it straight to my apartment office. Okay, fine, you're lazy, but it is your job to try, at least once to deliver it to my door. I know you didn't, because I was home when you delivered it at the office (at 2:54pm on a Monday). And if you are not going to deliver it to my door, don't lie to the office people and tell them you tried! It is so irritating when I am waiting for 2 weeks for a package and don't have it. I didn't get a knock on my door, and UPS didn't even leave a note on my door saying they had tried to deliver it! The person was too lazy to either A.) find my apartment or B.) Climb the one flight of stairs to get to my apartment; they simply took it to the office and lied and said they tried to deliver it. Also, didn't just happen once happened twice, with two different packages. If you are too lazy to try to find my apartment or climb the stairs to it, get a new job.

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