Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dr. appt today..

I had another prenatal appointment today. Dr says I am measuring right on track, and baby seems fine. He actually fell asleep when the Dr used the doppler. You could hear the heart beating really fast (150-ish), then it slowly started going down (140-ish), I thought that was so amazing! I also had to drink the nasty glucose drink and will get my results tomorrow. I know that my iron levels will come back low - they always do - I'm incredibly anemic and as soon as I get my iron levels normal, something happens and they drop again. I know they'll make me take supplements for that, and that's fine, I just hope my sugar levels are normal.

My doctor (OB) is also worried about the pain in my side. He says since the Amoxicillin isn't helping my side he wants me to go to see a urologist, but my urologist (How sad that I'm 22 and have to have a urologist? Oh well, it's due to my kidney stones) says he can't do anything really since I'm pregnant. He could do a kidney U/S, but that is quite expensive and even if there is a stone, they can't do much unless it is causing major damage to my kidney.

Anyway, my mom had surgery on Monday to remove the recalled mesh (the mesh broke into pieces and cuts peoples insides up) that was used to 'fix' her hernia. The doctor (and I'm taking this with a grain of salt, as her hernia has been 'fixed' 4 previous times) says he removed all of the mesh (which if he truly did, then I owe him a lot), fixed her main hernia, as well as a few smaller hernias he found, and says he also fixed a few lesions which were caused by the broken mesh. He then put in biodegradable mesh that will slowly deteriorate while strengthening her stomach muscles. While I waited the hour until I could get my blood drawn I went to see her (since the hospital is attached to my doctors office); she looked good, but was clearly in pain. I hope she gets better soon.

Okay, I'll be done now.

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