Sunday, December 16, 2007


I feel this weeks Post Secret works were better than last weeks.

Ryan and I went and got more Christmas presents last night, and I think we're almost done. We also went to see this tree that is covered in lights on every single limb - it was really pretty, and I'm sure it took forever. It was a rather large tree and every single branch that could hold the weight had lights wrapped around the entire branch, not one spot of openness. Really pretty.

My brother is officially in Italy and I want pictures. Same goes with Sarah and Baby being in Michigan - pictures, por favor. :)

Both of my pets have unbelievable smell issues when they potty, and when they do it in the house I get so mad because IT SMELLS UP THE WHOLE FREAKING PLACE!

My baby shower is February 9th, 2008 @ 2pm. I need addresses from Sarah, Ashley, Amy, Tracy and Cassandra.

I think this is it. Time to go shower. Later tonight Ryan and I are going to his parents for dinner and to do some laundry. Fun fun.

Oh yes, I have all of my grades, finally. 3 A's, 1 B, 1 C.

I feel as though I'm forgetting something, I suppose I'll remember it later.

** Oh yes, now I remember - Only 88 days until my Due Date!**

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