Saturday, December 29, 2007

I had to get this out somewhere..

Thanks to my lovely pregnancy hormones I am so stressed right now it isn't even funny. I had to get this stuff out somewhere or I would have gone insane. I feel a bit better, but all of the following are things that are stressing me, making me mad, etc. Thanks for always letting me rant!

Things Bothering Me:
I need to get my hair trimmed
I need my eyebrows waxed
I have literally 2 pairs of pants that fit
I have 4 tops that fit
I need to pay my tuition
I need to buy my books
I need to find an apartment to move into by Feb. 1st
My cartilage piercing is closed
My ear randomly hurts when I sleep on it (so bad it wakes me up crying)
I'm having a hard time breathing lately
My little brother's GF is pregnant
I need to shampoo my carpets
I need to get my dog neutered
My cat won't stop crapping on the floor RIGHT NEXT to the litter box (but pees IN the litter box)
My dog won't quit marking things
My dog peed on one of the 2 pairs of pants I can still wear
My dishwasher needs to be loaded
My trash needs to be taken out
I need to scrub my bathroom but can only use soap and water b/c of the pregnancy and that doesn't seem to do the trick
I'm getting too fat to put my own shoes on
I need to give my sister $500 to fix her car, even though she never mentions it, it makes me feel like crap when I think of it
I am either extremely bored with nothing to do or extremely overwhelmed with everything to do
I get tired way too easy now
I have to get my sleep schedule back on track since I have class from 9a-12:30 T&R starting in 2 weeks
I'm really not liking my dog right now, even though I know it's not his fault he irritates me - he's just a dog, he doesn't know better
I have to go grocery shopping
The laundry needs to be done
I really want to play WoW but I don't want to start (again) now only to have to stop when Baby comes
The dog needs a bath
I need outfits for my belly pictures on Jan. 12
I'm going to be alone on New Years Eve/New Years. Again. For the 6th year.
Pregnancy hormones either make me perfectly content or uncontrollably upset/irritated/mad/sad/etc - never in the middle.

I think this is it for now.


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