Friday, December 14, 2007

I passed!

Well, I passed my sugar test, though my iron was low. I figured, as I've been anemic off and on for years, and lately have been craving ice again. apparently I need to take an iron supplement twice a day, so it was pretty low.

Also, one of the Grandma's on Ryan's side (not clear on who) got us a present from the baby registry and apparently it's "pretty big" and my in-laws want to bring it to our house. Our 500 sq ft apartment. That already has boxes lined up against every possible wall because they wanted us to clear out Ryan's old room for a guest bedroom (which they have yet to do, by the way). they also know we will be moving in February and don't need another box (much less a BIG box) cramped in our apartment. And it's not like they haven't been here. They have. They commented on how tiny the place is. Yet now they want to stuff more things in here. I feel a bit like a sardine as it is. Ryan won't ask them to store it at their house. Like it would be a big deal. They could leave it in their garage (or hey, even in the 'guest room' which isn't a guest room yet) for a month and a half. We plan to move at the beginning of Feb. so what is the deal with 6 weeks? If it's in the garage they won't even know it's there. Also, I have a good idea of what it is. We only put a few 'big' items on our list; a crib, a rocker/glider chair, a stroller/car seat combo, and possibly a pack and play, though I don't think I put that last one. If his parents are getting us the crib it can only be one of two (or three) things.

ANYway. I think this is all. OH! Anyone know of a good place to get free boxes to pack stuff in? :)

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You should have asked for common sense and consideration.

But I guess you're more likely to get a crib. =)

Sounds like my family. Ha ha.

I'm not sure about your area, of course, but around here local grocery stores usually have plenty of boxes that they're willing to give away.

You might even try Sam's Club. Or maybe Costco? I wouldn't really know about that one though. We don't have any Costcos around here.

Good luck in your box quest. And with living inside a sardine can.
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