Sunday, December 09, 2007

Little offended/worried..

So for my final project for Drama I had to submit a play, have an assigned person read it and give me feedback, and then submit the final draft. That's all cool, but we do all of this to an open discussion board. I was reading the discussion board/other plays (because I'm nosey and like to see what other people wrote) and notice my teacher responded to every single post, except mine.

Now, do I take this as good news - she didn't feel that she needed to criticize my work, as it was pretty much what she wanted/expected (I do have a 94 in the class currently), or do I take it as it was too awful for her to even try to fix it, or even worse, did she just forget about me?! I don't even know.

Um. Today not much happened; I watched Ryan play some Halo 3, I went to Wal-Mart with Sabrina and Joey and they bought me powdered donuts (dang pregnancy cravings!), came home and realized there is so much drama on the April birth board and I am so lucky to not be on that one, and have been chatting on the DB with my birth group for a little while.

OT (aha, what's ON topic in this blog?): Anyone know anywhere that will hire a fat, pregnant lady? Nobody wants to hire me and I need money (holiday shopping, school tuition, and, oh yeah, fixing my sister's car).

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