Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bears on tricycles.

I think I'm doing relatively well updating, considering my iron is low ("extremely anemic"), I'm taking a full course-load, I'm past 32 weeks in pregnancy, I have to attend 2 classes every T/R from 9a-12:30p, and one of them is math and the other is speech.

I had an appointment on Monday, the 21st. Baby is fine. Heart rate was 152 (active), measuring 32cm, weight is 147 (+35 lbs total thus far), BP was 100/60.

I have, however, been having contractions since Sunday (3 days now). I actually had one while the doctor was measuring my stomach and he felt it - he said as long as they aren't within 3 minutes I should be fine. Easy for him to say - he's not the one hurting for 3 days straight with no baby coming as a result!

I also have heart palpitations. My regular doctor thought I had them pre-pregnancy but it wasn't a frequent problem so he didn't do anything about it. Well, now with my extra weight and stress and whatnot it is becoming a problem. This does explain why it is so hard for me to catch my breath and why I constantly had to stop and rest during my maternity photo shoot (Sorry, Sarah!). I can be perfectly fine one minute, then the next I can't get enough air, I get lightheaded, nauseous, dizzy, everything hurts and I have to lay down for a good 30m-an hour to feel better. Sometimes it doesn't go away for hours though - I actually spent most of Sunday on the couch; between the contractions and not being able to breathe there was no way I could do anything.

What else to update. Second week of class, like my math teacher, not sure about the math yet. My speech teacher seems nice enough, but not sure I'll like this class either. I have the same teacher for Govt 2302 as I did for Govt 2301, and while I'm not fond of the class, I was able to manage an A in the previous class and the teacher is pretty nice, so I'm feeling okay so far, and my Co-op class is the same teacher as my co-op from last semester, which I got an A in, so I'm also okay with this class.

Uhm. Lots of drama with my baby shower and I actually told my sister to cancel it, I don't feel like dealing with it anymore. Ryan told me not to let the people ruining it win by making me cancel so we (my sister and I) might just get my close friends together and go to IHOP and have a nice lunch there instead of a big party. Opinions?

Oh, also, I'm sure that I'm only the 900 millionth person to post about this, but RIP Heath Ledger. In my opinion, I think the death was accidental; I think he was just trying to get caught up on his rest after such a trying role as The Joker. I'm sure it didn't help that he was already working on another film. He left behind his daughter, Matilda, and while they weren't together anymore, I'm sure Michelle Williams is devastated by the news also. My prayers are with his loved ones at this time of need.

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