Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Car trouble, School, and WTF moments..

Ryan's car broke down a few days ago and we've been using mine. He was at a red light and the battery light and oil light came on then the car turned off. He turned the key and the car started long enough for him to pull through the light onto the side of the road before it died for good. We had to have it towed and he walked home at 3:30 in the morning (didn't get home until 5).

Something about the fuel pump and the brakes. His parents got it fixed without telling us which upsets me because over half of that was the brakes and we paid $400+ not even a year ago from a brake specialization place for a contract that entitles us to free parts AND LABOR until 2010, and if they told us what they were told was wrong we could have told them to simply have the fuel pump thing fixed and we cold get the brakes fixed for free, if they needed it (which neither Ryan nor I are convinced that they did, as we had the entire system replaced (not just the pad) when we signed said contract). Total cost? $800. His parents said don't worry about it, but why would they tell us how much it cost unless they expect some form of repayment? So there goes our tax refund - $500 to my sister for (ADMITTEDLY MY FAULT) her car, and $800 to his parents for his car. I hate being broke.

Today was the first day of school. Went as I figured, though we didn't get out early in any classes. Math seems like it will be hard but have a very nice teacher; speech seems easy but have a very strict/rude teacher. (Rude as in I only fit in one of the large desks due to my stomach and she made me move to the 'circle of chairs' that was formed anyway. I'm pregnant, lady. It's embarrassing to have to sit sideways in this desk (one of the ones with the chair/desk-combo thing) and look ridiculous.)

And now for your 'WTF' moment of the day, 2 news stories. One as in 'WTF - Why do kids grow up and do these things?' and one as in, 'WTF - How cold-hearted can you be?'.

Teenage girl burned with acid after rape.
Judge apologizes after making cancer victim remove hat.

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