Friday, January 04, 2008

So thankful..

Not doing so well with my resolution. Anyway. Today's post is going to be different - that's right, I'm not going to rant/complain, I'm going to be thankful.

I found a girl I used to know through a mutual acquaintance on MySpace. Now, we all know that I'm nosey, and I wanted to see what she'd been up to, but her profile was private, so I sent her a friend request. Well, it turns out that said girl is now divorced and re-married, with a baby on the way. Now, I am thrilled that she had found a new love, but I can't help but thinking that people get what's coming to them. This girl was among a group of my old 'friends' (that I only knew online), who thought I was a fraud. Meaning they didn't think I was who I said I was, or did any of the things I claimed to do.

When I announced my engagement and even posted pictures they talked behind my back and said they were fake/not me - EVEN THOUGH I had met 2 or 3 of these people in real life before, nobody stood by me. (I found all this out later, btw.) Then when I announced my wedding day they claimed I was making it up, or I would say something came up and it wouldn't go through, or something of the sort - basically nobody believed me. Even after I got married and posted video/pictures they STILL didn't believe me. They mocked me behind my back, made fun of me, called me horrible names (that I won't repeat), etc.

Now, all of these 'friends' of mine have had a terrible time the last few years while I stopped coming around; without going into details there have been multiple divorces, children out of wedlock, custody battles, failed relationships, etc. Now, I won't say that Ryan and I have a perfect marriage, it is far from it, but we have been able to work through all of the hard times and are finally at a wonderful place in our relationship; we couldn't be happier. We're married, in school, have a baby on the way, things are going great! There are a few things that need work, but there will always be things that need work. I'm just so happy that we're together and are as committed and loving to each other as we are. I feel justified and believe these people got what was coming to them; I seem to be the only person who is doing well and still relatively the same person I used to be - most of these people have changed for the worse.

I used to cry myself to sleep at night when these people were mean to me, and I could never understand why they were like that, but the Lord was watching and He took care of me. He protected me and He loved me and He has provided so much for me. I'm so thankful for my life - it has been rough but He is always there.

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