Saturday, January 12, 2008


Even more exhausted.

So many thanks to Sarah for doing my belly pictures today. I love her so much, she is such an awesome friend/person. When I get proofs I'll share them, for now go check out her site - she is an amazing photographer.

I think again with the bath/shower, then sleep. Second verse, Same as the first.

1) What is your worst habit?
I have a lot I'm sure - I think my worst would be taking my frustrations/stress out on others.

2) What is your greatest talent?
I.. don't know that I have a talent. Lol. Ryan would say I'm great at scratching his head, I guess. I'm fairly good with lots of stuff, but not great at any one thing.

3) What is your favorite flower?
White rose.

4) What is your favorite restaurant?

5) What is your favorite women's clothing store (non-maternity!)?
Aeropostale - they have the only jeans that make it look like I actually have a butt. (Side note: I sadly could not get said jeans over my fat thighs today for the belly shoot. LOL.)

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