Friday, February 08, 2008

Baby shower is tomorrow!

Really excited! My baby shower is tomorrow, I hope a lot of people show up. My mom is making me a cupcake cake since I wanted one for my wedding and didn't get one. My sister has everything organized and will be decorating tomorrow before I get there. If you're coming, please bring a camera and if you're a mom feel free to bring your kid(s) too! They're totally welcome!

Onto my ever-recurrent list.

Things I need to do:
Buy GOVT book for online code

Buy the GOVT code online
(Need CC)

Do math homework 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 (4 parts), 2.2, and 2.3
(Working on now)

Math Ch 1 & 2 Review for test

FAX in co-op forms

Declaration of Independence outline

Speech Test


Set electric up to be transferred
(Ryan has to since he is on acct.)

Sign new lease & pay them
(Ryan's next day off)

Reserve u-haul
(Need CC)

Find somewhere to volunteer and return papers to teacher

Buy present for Sabrina for hosting my baby shower
(Later w/Ryan)

Finish DD online

I think that's it for now.

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