Saturday, February 09, 2008

I *LOVE* nice people!

I had to blog about this. Ryan and I went out tonight to get a gift for my sister since she planned and is throwing my baby shower tomorrow. We went, bought said gift, went to Borders, got us both a book (well, I got a book, Memoirs of an Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin, and he got a graphic novel (aka comic book)) then we went and got me McDonald's because, even though I only eat red meat once or twice a year while non-pregnant, I have had a craving for hamburgers lately, so, we stopped, got me a big mac meal, and then went to Burger King for him.

We pull up to the window, and the guy makes sure he got the order right, then sees the McD's bag and says "The lady prefers McDonald's?" not being rude, just asking, I lean over and say "I'm pregnant." He immediately goes "Oh! Okay! No problem! Eat whatever you want! I don't judge!", just being very nice. He hands Ryan back the change and goes "Okay, I give you something for the lady. Next time you bring her here, it'll be good, I promise!" then gave us a free hershey sundae pie slice! FREE! He was just a really nice guy, joked around with us and was real sweet; it's been a long time since I had an experience somewhere that made me want to call and make sure that the person helping me got recognized for their service, but he deserves to be. So, to the guy who was working at 11p tonight at the BK drive-thru off of 121, thank you! I honestly think I will call the corporate office on Monday and let them know, this guy ruled!

Also, Ryan and I were leaving Borders and I walked out the door first, and didn't realize he hadn't caught the door yet, and it ended up hitting him on his hip. LOL. I felt bad but it was funny so I laughed.

And random thing; if I plan on taking a hot shower (they help my back) and I know I'll be in there longer than usual, I'll brush my teeth in there so I don't feel quite as wasteful about just letting the hot water hit my back. Well, it was a sad day when I realized the toothpaste that dripped fell onto my stomach and not the floor of the tub, like it used to. Darn preggo belly!

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