Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just not good timing..

So, everyone knows I'm forgetful and clumsy, but I did something really stupid on Monday. I lost my wallet. I was carrying it in the pocket of the jacket I was wearing since I didn't really need it, but just in case. Well, we leave my in-laws house and it's in my pocket. We go to Babies R' Us, get our car seat, stroller, diaper genie, bottles, sheets, mattress protectors, receiving blankets, thermometer pacifier and a few other little things. Get back to the in-laws house and I don't have my wallet. GRR! I called babies R Us and they say the wallet isn't there. Ugh. It was the only place I had it, other than the van, and I already checked that. I either lost it in the store or the parking lot.

So, now I have to call and cancel all of my CC's, my SS card was in there since I had to see a new doctor the next day, my DL, my school ID, everything. I now have no picture id which means I can't take my math test in the testing center, or any test for that matter. I'll either have to go in early to take the math test or stay late to take the math test after my speech class, but I think my class is the first class of the day for my teacher so there goes the early, and I'm pretty sure he only has one class after it, so there goes staying after my speech class, so I would probably have to skip my speech class and take the test. GRR! I'm so mad!

Also, since Ryan didn't call to transfer the electric when I told him to (He has to since it is his name on the account) we had to get a 'priority' push on it, which cost us $130., and then they charged us $53.84 to transfer the service! WTF! We've had them for 3 years, you'd think they would waive the fee after a certain amount of time!

A bit of good news though is the pulminologist doesn't think it's my heart; he says it is a rare form of acid reflux. Since my stomach is, to quote the doctor, "squished like a pancake" right now he says the acid has nowhere to go except into my throat, which causes my body to think I'm choking, which makes it where I can't breathe. The reason it is worse when I lay down is because it doesn't have to 'climb' to get where it needs to go, it just flows. He gave me PrevACID to take twice a day (he says he normally recommends one but thinks I need two), one when I wake up, one when I go to sleep, and an inhaler to use at night when I was up not able to breathe. At least it's not my heart.

Okay. Off to call CC companies, place a fraud alert on my credit report, and see what other BS I have to do since I'm so retarded.

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