Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Updated twice in a week? Wow!

I think I've done pretty well with my list, seeing as how some things I simply have no way of completing.

Things I need to do:
Buy GOVT book for online code

Buy the GOVT code online
(Need CC)

Do math homework 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
(Working on now)

Math Ch 1 & 2 Review for test
(Working on next)

FAX in co-op forms

Declaration of Independence outline
(Working on after math)

Speech Test (Thursday 2/7)


Set electric up to be transferred
(Ryan has to since he is on acct.)

Update car registration
(Parents have car)

Sign new lease & pay them
(Ryan's next day off)

Reserve u-haul
(Need CC)

Find somewhere to volunteer and return papers to teacher
(Ask M-I-L)

BMGT Seminars #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 & #8
(After DoI outline if I feel up to it)

Buy present for Sabrina for hosting my baby shower
(Tomorrow w/Ryan)

I think that's it for now.

Oh, quick rant. My government teacher won't grade anything posted to our group discussion board if it is posted too early. for instance, our 2nd discussion board posting is due 2/22. He won't grade anything unless it is posted between 2/18-2/22. Well, I have an appointment with a pulmonary doctor on 2/22, and what if I go into labor and am in the hospital those days? Then I'm screwed on that grade. Oh, by the way, this is an online class. Meaning we should have a bit more freedom with when we are allowed to post things! GRR!

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