Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dear Baby J..

Dear Baby J,

You are now 8 days old and already I want you to stop growing.

It's hard to believe that it has already been 8 days since I was in a hospital pushing you out, with Daddy beside me, cheering me on, and whispering to me how beautiful you were, even though he could only see the top of your head. He was so proud the moment you were born - he was holding back tears, watching as they cleaned you up, weighed you, and made sure your vital signs were all okay. He even got to cut your umbilical cord, be the first to hold you, and he was the first to feed you. He even cried when he called Great Granmama to tell her the news. You are so lucky, my little baby; you have the best Daddy in the world, and he loves you so much.

We took you for your 2nd PKU screening today and the nurse commented on how big you were! My little baby is growing already. For the test the nurse had to prick your foot and fill 5 circles on a card with your blood - you were such a trooper! You just sighed when you got poked and made faces like you were going to cry when she squeezed the blood onto the card, but you never did cry! You are such a big boy already!

Your ring for your circumcision finally fell off today, and it looks like your umbilical stump is going to follow any day now. You're already pulling the pacifier out of your mouth and trying (sometimes succeeding) to put it back in again. When did you learn to do that?! You also recognize your bottle and start to wiggle around whenever you see it! You know the voices of your Mommy and Daddy, and you'll look around with those beautiful eyes if you hear us.

You don't cry hardly ever - in fact today was the first time you cried for no reason (that we could find anyway), but even then it was only for about a minute, and then you stopped. Normally you get fussy when you want to eat or be changed, and you only truly cry when getting your diaper changed. We've managed to stop that most of the time by playing music from your giraffe, but there is still the odd occasion when even that won't settle you. You are such a wonderfully good baby, I don't know how I got so lucky.

You had your first throw-up episode last night with Aunt Peanut. She was holding you, and your eyes had been bigger than your tummy with your feeding the hour beforehand and you got sick. Poor thing. Lucky for us both Aunt Peanut was holding you and quickly sat you up, held the burp cloth up to your mouth, and patiently waited until you were done. She didn't complain or say anything bad either! She just wanted to make sure you were okay. She loves you very much.

I guess this is all for now, Mommy has to go study. This has been the best eight days of my life, and I hope you can look back and read these one day, and see how loved you truly are.


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AWWW~ Welcome Baby J!!! He looks soooo cute! Lacey I don't know how you do it, study and have a baby at the same time (and such a precious one at that), but I gotta say I totally admire you for it! =)
Oh my God. This is letter is so awfully sweet. :) Your baby is lovely too. He will grow up to be a very handsome young man!

(P/S: I got to your blog through Angelique's!)
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