Thursday, March 20, 2008

A letter and an update..

My dear sweet baby,

I'm sitting here, rocking you in your car seat with one hand and typing with the other. You are just a perfect little angel. I came home from school today and went straight to you and you were sitting in your car seat, wide awake, just being nice and calm and content - you are such an easy baby!

We are now in our third week and I can't believe how amazing you are already.

We took you for your 2-week check up yesterday (you are 16 days old, btw - I just was unable to get you in on day 14) and my how you've grown! You grew a half inch in length and put on nearly TWO entire pounds! You are now 9lbs (exactly) and 21" long - you were 7lbs 1oz and 20.5" at birth. You are growing like a weed! You didn't like it when the doctor examined you but were okay once it was over.

You now eat an entire two ounces of formula at a time, compared to the 1/4 or 1/2 ounce you took in the hospital. You sometimes want more, but your belly isn't that big, so we have to wait an hour or so before letting you have another ounce. Your eyes are bigger than your belly, poor thing!

You pulled your cord off two days ago and it was still a bit early so I have been keeping neosporin and a band-aid on it, but it looks much better now!

You fit into your clothes much better, and soon enough we'll have to retire some of them!

You met Great Granmama on Monday and boy were you confused! Who are all these strange people holding you? They're certainly not Mommy or Daddy!

You went to your first restaurant on Saturday (day 11). Great Grandma Frog and Great Grandpa Pappy came into town and we went to lunch with them and Grandma and Grandpa Cook (my mommy and daddy)! You got a bit fussy and wanted me to hold you, but it was because you were really hot in your car seat.

Daddy went back to work on Monday (day 13) and came home only 45 minutes late! That is wonderful timing for Daddy, and I know he hurried home because he missed you.

I went back to school on Tuesday and man was it hard! I didn't want to leave you- I wanted you to come to class with me! I figured you probably wouldn't like sitting through college algebra or speech, and I don't think I should make you sit through college algebra until you have to.

Well, this is about it Jackson. Not much else happening yet. Always remember how much Daddy and I love you!

- Mommy

One of Ryan's employees bought this onesie for Baby J, and I just had to share this picture. Please read said onesie. ;)

And now my update. School is school. I haven't received my first math test back and I haven't taken the second so I have no idea how I am doing in the class, but I think I know the first two and this 4th chapter pretty well, the 3rd I am concerned about.

I am doing okay in speech, a high B I believe, and I have to take the second test today, so we will see how that goes, with my extra credit points I should have a low A.

My baby is just growing so fast. I also really miss being pregnant. Well, not the actual pregnancy, but what it accomplished, and I am so ready to have another one! Ryan wants to wait 3 years though, and I would like to at least have my 2-year degree, so who knows. Maybe next January we will start working on another one, if I can convince him. (After all, it took 8 months for this one, and if we start trying in January, and it takes that long again, by the time the baby is actually born it will be just over two years.)

I am thinking I may be getting PPD, as I am feeling really overwhelmed at times, and depression does run in my family. My reasons for thinking this are the following:

I am REALLY overwhelmed

School is HARD

MATH is giving me the most problems and I stress out daily over this (to the point of either crying or becoming extremely angry about everything)

Speech is getting better, but the actual giving the speech part causes me so much anxiety my chest starts hurting, I turn bright red, I begin shaking, I can't catch my breath, and I get lightheaded

I love my baby to death, and I would give my life for him, but heaven help me, I wish he would sleep more than 2 hours at a time. I need sleep, and Ryan needs sleep, and I hate having to rely on my brothers to come spend the night on Mondays and Wednesdays because I can't even stay up those nights since I have school the next morning. If I don't have school I'll stay up for 24 hours or so and take care of the baby, but when I have school at 9a the next morning (and have to be up at 7:30a at the latest to get there in time), and MATH for my first class, I need to be semi-alert.

My house needs to be cleaned. It's not dirty, per say, just very cluttered at the moment. I guess I should say my house needs to be organized, not cleaned.

FORMULA IS EXPENSIVE! $25 for a can that lasts a week. Need I say more?

Okay, this entry is long enough I guess.

Anyone got any suggestions for a Persuasive Speech topic? (No abortion related, drugs should be legalized, etc. topics are allowed - basically none of the fall back ones.) Help is more than welcome!

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