Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 3

Dear Baby,

You are now 3 weeks and 1 day old. How time flies.

You're getting so big - 10 lbs already! You're feeding well and making the right amount of diapers. Speaking of, you're making a smelly diaper right now. The joys of being a parent. ;)

I'm going to start calling you my chunky monkey, you're just too cute. You've already outgrown your snap t-shirts for newborns, we had to move you up to the next size! Your diapers are too small now too. Luckily we have the next size up, but it looks like were going to have to exchange an unopened pack of your others next time we go to the store.

We had our first holiday this Sunday, Easter. Daddy doesn't consider it your first holiday though - he says you are still too small. Granmama bought you a nice Easter ornament, and Grandma and Grandpa Solesbee bought you some formula, hats, shirts, a blanket and a basket that says 'Jack' on it. You got tons of stuff!

You've really taken to rolling yourself on your side, and if you're on a pillow you love to roll yourself off of it. Incredibly adorable and frightening at the same time. We have to make sure one of us is with you if you're not in your crib or bassinet, as you love to roll yourself around into odd places.

You love tummy time and you're getting stronger everyday. Aunt Peanut and I took you for your first walk yesterday, and while you didn't love it, you didn't hate it either. I'm going to take you on longer walks with me when you get a bit older.

Keep on being my sweet baby.


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