Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Where to start.

Well, we had been getting smiles from Baby J for a week or two before those pictures, but we hadn't been able to capture them on camera. He has been smiling even more lately, and especially so if he sees me or Ryan and he hasn't seen us for awhile (when I get up with him in the morning, or when Ryan gets home from work). He's 10 weeks old today and I just can't believe it. He is so adorable and handsome and he looks more like a person every day!

He was dedicated at our church this Sunday, the 11th, on Mother's Day. He was so adorable and cute and I'm so happy that I found this church. For the first time in my life I actually look forward to going to church, and instead of looking forward to singing (don't get me wrong - that part is fine too) like I used to, I look forward to the sermon!

I'm really considering attending bible study after the sermon, but not quite yet. Ryan still doesn't (most of the time can't due to work) go to church with me, so that would mean leaving him in the nursery while I attended bible study and I'm not ready for that yet. (Yes yes, I'm a clingy Mommy).

Here he is in his adorable Dedication outfit, and I'm not sure if you can see it or not, but he also has a little bow-tie on (it came with the outfit). Isn't he adorable?!

So, Sunday was Mother's Day and I had a great one. Everyone wished me happy Mother's Day, I went to church, and Ryan got me a card! Two cards actually! In the 6 years we have been together he has never gotten me a card before, and I got TWO on Mother's Day! One from him, and one from Baby J. I also got a dozen white roses from him (my favorite kind).

I guess this is it for now. I'm planning on taking tow summer classes -one management and one accounting, and when I'm done with those I will have my Associates in Management degree. I plan to take the last 4 classes I need in the fall, and then I will have my Associates in Arts degree. This seems to be taking forever yet getting here so fast! Pray I do well in accounting (I suck at math and interest and percentages and all that stuff).

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

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I like your new layout. Really pretty. =)

I bet it's pretty sweet to get to celebrate your first Mother's Day.

This is off-topic but you might be interested... I've known about newborn/infant swimming classes for a while but I just started looking up a little more about it. I've decided that if I'm able to, when I have kids, I'm going to start them swimming asap. I find the whole thing fascinating and I haven't found too much negative information on it. Since you're one of the only people I know with a baby, I thought I'd share. Maybe you'd be interested or maybe it just terrifies you like it does me sometimes...

Either way, it's pretty amazing.
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