Saturday, May 24, 2008

I have to go to school for How Much longer?

I've narrowed down my degree choices to 3 possibilities. I should also just say that because Texas, and college/school in general, sucks, none of my management or business courses transfer over into any of my chosen schools (TWU or UNT) to help towards a Bachelors degree.

I've narrowed down my choices to B.S. in Child Development, B.S. in Family Studies, or a B.A. in English.

In short, here's what we're (I'm) dealing with:

B.S. Family Studies:
8 @ NLC (63-64 hrs total)
20 (or 21) @ 4-yr (62 hrs total)

B.S. in Child Development:
10 @ NLC (67-68 hrs total)
18 (or 19) @ 4-yr (56 hrs total)

B.A. in English:
8 @ NLC (61-62 hrs total)
18 @ 4-yr (60 hrs total)

I'm really leaning towards the B.S. in F.S. and B.S. in C.D. The classes I would have to take look really interesting (to me at least) and either of those degrees could help me get a job working with kids, which is something I really want to do.

I still plan to finish my management degree also (which will be complete at the end of the Summer). I'm thinking the management degree may be able to help me in another area. For instance, if I wanted to work in a day care center, or something of the sort, and move up the ranks, that degree could help me. Who knows.

Thoughts, anyone? Suggestions, comments, etc. Feedback is welcome!

(My reason for getting an education. I just have to see him and I know I can keep going. I don't want to disappoint him.)

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