Thursday, May 29, 2008

Judge not, lest ye be judged..

I know it's late (early?) but I feel very compelled to write about this. I took a break from reading my bible, but picked it back up again tonight. I'm currently reading the book of Luke, and in chapter 21 (under 'Signs of the End of Age') it speaks about the signs of the rapture. Specifically from verse 10 and on. I just want to point out Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven."

How many people just died in that earthquake in China? How many people are starving throughout the world? The rapture is coming, and while I am so looking forward to meeting my Lord and Savior (though I will never be good enough to earn the honor, I will have done what He asked and receive it anyway) I am also frightened. I am not worthy to meet Him, and I will never even come close to being worthy. I also want the chance to live my life, to raise my son, to receive a college degree, to be fruitful and multiply with as many kids as He would bless me with. I am so scared and excited at the same time. I pray that His will be done, but I would also love the opportunity to see my child(ren) choose to follow Him and worship Him also.

I also want to say how much I love my church. It is so wonderful and I am terribly blessed to have found it.

Speaking of my son, I also have to say, I came into my bedroom tonight, as he had woken up at about 1am for his middle-of-the-night feeding, and I am so proud, he rolled himself over! I AM SO PROUD! He rolled from his tummy to his back, and while that isn't as hard as rolling from his back to his tummy, I am extremely proud of him! He's such a big boy! Nearly 3 months old! Where does the time go?

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