Monday, December 17, 2007

More News Stories..

I just can't believe how stupid, cruel, and amusing some people can be.

First we have the Stupid, meaning the EMT's that incorrectly declared a woman dead at the scene of a car accident, then took 2 hours to get her to a hospital. I know EMTs, and even they remarked on how dumb you have to be to make that mistake.

Then we have the cruel; there's the man who would rather kill his wife and children then go through a divorce and have another person help raise his children, and then we have the modern day slave owners.

And finally there's the amusing - first there's the inmates that covered the escape holes in their cells with bikini pictures, a nice nod to Shawshank Redemption right there, and then we have the man who sold his sons Guitar Hero III when he caught his son smoking pot - he sold it on Ebay and got $9,100.01 for it!

Nothing really going on - I woke up with a headache and I thought they were finally gone. :( It hasn't gone away even with two extra strength tylenol, which is all I can take. That's really it. I need to go shopping for Ryan's birthday present soon, as his birthday is in 5 days, and one of my brothers has a birthday tomorrow. I think this is it for now.

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