Monday, March 10, 2008

From one topic to the next..

I am just jumping from one topic to the next.

I hate the 'baby blues'. I hate them being called that. It normally kicks in 2-4 days after giving birth and lasts up to a month. WTF. The reason I hate them being called that is because my baby is the only thing that makes me happy right now. I know it is all of the extra hormones that are still in me with no place to go right now, but I am just stressed and upset beyond reason.

I have a to-do list two pages long, my house is dirty, I have math homework, a math review and a math test to study for as well as a speech outline and manuscript to write for my 'Demonstration' topic, but I don't have a demonstration topic because everything I've suggested gets turned down.

She let a student do her demonstration speech on how to put in extensions in her class last semester, but when I suggest how to properly change and swaddle a baby I get turned down because "Though the females in class would probably be interested in swaddling techniques, the males might not." And the males in your class last semester enjoyed learning how put in extensions?! I also suggested how to make an embroidered appliqué burp cloth/patch and got no response, so as of yet that is what I am doing my speech on. I e-mailed her early Friday and never got a response so I better not get told no. If she does, all I have left is how to properly apply self-tanner and that might be a 'girly' topic too - who knows. (By the way, if you can think of a 'How to' demonstration topic that would take roughly 5 minutes, let me know!)

I'm also upset at my body. I have no idea how much I weigh now, as I haven't been on a scale since the Friday before I was induced, and then I was 158. I want to get down to 120 and baby was 7lbs, so roughly 30 lbs is what I have to lose. I didn't get any stretch marks this pregnancy, lucky for me, but now my tummy is just.. gross. If you've ever had a baby you know what I mean. It is just .. there. Not firm, no muscle at all, and just kind of jiggles. :(

Plus my milk came in and my breasts hurt like you wouldn't believe. Luckily I have yet to have leakage as I've kept them bound up pretty tight, away from stimulation and hot water, so I'm hoping I can make the milk go away (and stay away)

Okay. Enough whining I guess. I'm going to go hold my baby and take a nap. I'll leave you with a cute shot I got of him yesterday.

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#1, that picture is adorable. And #2, I did a demo speech on origami. There are lots of really simple origami shapes out there. I did flowers. We even had one girl haul in a microwave to make rice krispie treats.
I once did a speech on how to write a good research paper. Cute little boy. Understand the stress of going to school and having a child. I am currently a full time double major education and mom to a toddler. thank god for my husband because I sure as heck could not do it all on my own.
Candace at Crazy Adventures of a wommy
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