Saturday, April 11, 2009

Monday, June 09, 2008

New Site..

Finally got my website up and running again. Go check it out, it's the new place that I'll be blogging.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

As promised..

Here are a few pictures of my little man in his Bumbo. He's got great neck control right now, I'm so proud of him! (And also a picture of me thrown in since some of the people reading this haven't seen me since I lost my baby weight - not that you can really tell in the picture.)

He loves his burpcloths. He'd chew on them all day if I would let him.

That's enough pictures, mommy!

And me from this weekend.

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Friday, June 06, 2008

Nothing much to update..

I'm still here. My son is still the most adorable 3-month old baby in the world. This is about it. Oh, we did buy him a Bumbo, and he loves it. I will try to upload pics tomorrow. :)

For now, a few comics I found amusing. And, sadly, I can totally relate to both of them.

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Monday, June 02, 2008

I'm home..

This weekend wasn't too bad, with really only two 'I know how to take care of your baby better than you do' moments:

Moment #1:

At: Grandma's House. (The one that doesn't want to be called 'Great Grandma' even though she is. What did she think would happen when her grandkids had kids?)

Baby J is crying, so I tell her he has been held and in his car seat all day (from 7a up to that point, and it is nearly 6pm) and he needs tummy time. He is used to being on his tummy for at least 8 hours a day. The following ensues:

Great Gma: No, he just wants to be on his back. He wants to look at the light and the fan. :puts Baby J on his BACK on the blanket on the floor:
Me: I think he just wants tummy time :flips him over to his tummy:
Great Gma: No, he wants to see the fan. :immediately flips him over to his back again:
Me: Glares at Ryan with look that says 'I'm going to say something and it won't be nice if you do not do something NOW:
Ryan: Looks at me with a 'she's my grandma I can't say anything' look
Me: He wants tummy time. (said in a firm voice while giving Great Grandma 'I am his mother I know best' look and flipping Baby J to his tummy)
Baby J: Quiets immediately and falls asleep.

Moment #2:
At same Grandma's house. About to leave. Baby J is fussy as he had been in his car seat and held all day the previous day, had not slept in his regular bed, and his routine had been thrown off, plus he had a cold.

Great Gma: He wants his pacifier. Where's his pacifier?
Me: I don't think he wants the pacifier. He normally only takes it when he is hungry and even then he only sucks on it for about ten or twenty seconds before spitting it out. He just doesn't feel well. He probably just wants me or Ryan to hold him.
Great Gma: No, he wants his pacifier. Let me have his pacifier.
Me: Rolls eyes and exchanges knowing looks with my mother-in-law and Ryan.
Ryan: Gives Great Gma the pacifier
Great Gma: gives Baby J his pacifier
Baby J: Sucks for approximately TWO SECONDS, spits out pacifier and starts screaming
Me: exchanges looks again
Great Gma: I don't think he wants his pacifier. I think he wants his daddy. ::hands him to Ryan::
Baby J: quiets immediately
Me: rolls eyes

Other than that, not too bad. :) I did miss my church and can't wait for next weeks sermon. Noting like a church other than your own to make you appreciate yours.

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

I got some ice cream, and you don't get none..

"The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support this ultimate career." C. S. Lewis

Look what I did, all by myself. :)

I think those turned out mighty fine indeed.

Going to Louisiana to see the Grandma-in-laws. Pray that I don't burst when they (and by they, I mean one in particular) give unwanted advice, do things I've asked them not to do, don't do things I have asked them to do, try to change my ways of doing things, and generally treat me as if I'm a stupid, ignorant other that is causing harm to her child by doing things my way.

Also, this will be Baby J's first official road trip! How cool! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures, and maybe some video too. :)

Leave me comments to come home to!

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Judge not, lest ye be judged..

I know it's late (early?) but I feel very compelled to write about this. I took a break from reading my bible, but picked it back up again tonight. I'm currently reading the book of Luke, and in chapter 21 (under 'Signs of the End of Age') it speaks about the signs of the rapture. Specifically from verse 10 and on. I just want to point out Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven."

How many people just died in that earthquake in China? How many people are starving throughout the world? The rapture is coming, and while I am so looking forward to meeting my Lord and Savior (though I will never be good enough to earn the honor, I will have done what He asked and receive it anyway) I am also frightened. I am not worthy to meet Him, and I will never even come close to being worthy. I also want the chance to live my life, to raise my son, to receive a college degree, to be fruitful and multiply with as many kids as He would bless me with. I am so scared and excited at the same time. I pray that His will be done, but I would also love the opportunity to see my child(ren) choose to follow Him and worship Him also.

I also want to say how much I love my church. It is so wonderful and I am terribly blessed to have found it.

Speaking of my son, I also have to say, I came into my bedroom tonight, as he had woken up at about 1am for his middle-of-the-night feeding, and I am so proud, he rolled himself over! I AM SO PROUD! He rolled from his tummy to his back, and while that isn't as hard as rolling from his back to his tummy, I am extremely proud of him! He's such a big boy! Nearly 3 months old! Where does the time go?

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

I have to go to school for How Much longer?

I've narrowed down my degree choices to 3 possibilities. I should also just say that because Texas, and college/school in general, sucks, none of my management or business courses transfer over into any of my chosen schools (TWU or UNT) to help towards a Bachelors degree.

I've narrowed down my choices to B.S. in Child Development, B.S. in Family Studies, or a B.A. in English.

In short, here's what we're (I'm) dealing with:

B.S. Family Studies:
8 @ NLC (63-64 hrs total)
20 (or 21) @ 4-yr (62 hrs total)

B.S. in Child Development:
10 @ NLC (67-68 hrs total)
18 (or 19) @ 4-yr (56 hrs total)

B.A. in English:
8 @ NLC (61-62 hrs total)
18 @ 4-yr (60 hrs total)

I'm really leaning towards the B.S. in F.S. and B.S. in C.D. The classes I would have to take look really interesting (to me at least) and either of those degrees could help me get a job working with kids, which is something I really want to do.

I still plan to finish my management degree also (which will be complete at the end of the Summer). I'm thinking the management degree may be able to help me in another area. For instance, if I wanted to work in a day care center, or something of the sort, and move up the ranks, that degree could help me. Who knows.

Thoughts, anyone? Suggestions, comments, etc. Feedback is welcome!

(My reason for getting an education. I just have to see him and I know I can keep going. I don't want to disappoint him.)

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Friday, May 23, 2008

I would die for that..

Kellie Coffey - I would die for that

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Where to start.

Well, we had been getting smiles from Baby J for a week or two before those pictures, but we hadn't been able to capture them on camera. He has been smiling even more lately, and especially so if he sees me or Ryan and he hasn't seen us for awhile (when I get up with him in the morning, or when Ryan gets home from work). He's 10 weeks old today and I just can't believe it. He is so adorable and handsome and he looks more like a person every day!

He was dedicated at our church this Sunday, the 11th, on Mother's Day. He was so adorable and cute and I'm so happy that I found this church. For the first time in my life I actually look forward to going to church, and instead of looking forward to singing (don't get me wrong - that part is fine too) like I used to, I look forward to the sermon!

I'm really considering attending bible study after the sermon, but not quite yet. Ryan still doesn't (most of the time can't due to work) go to church with me, so that would mean leaving him in the nursery while I attended bible study and I'm not ready for that yet. (Yes yes, I'm a clingy Mommy).

Here he is in his adorable Dedication outfit, and I'm not sure if you can see it or not, but he also has a little bow-tie on (it came with the outfit). Isn't he adorable?!

So, Sunday was Mother's Day and I had a great one. Everyone wished me happy Mother's Day, I went to church, and Ryan got me a card! Two cards actually! In the 6 years we have been together he has never gotten me a card before, and I got TWO on Mother's Day! One from him, and one from Baby J. I also got a dozen white roses from him (my favorite kind).

I guess this is it for now. I'm planning on taking tow summer classes -one management and one accounting, and when I'm done with those I will have my Associates in Management degree. I plan to take the last 4 classes I need in the fall, and then I will have my Associates in Arts degree. This seems to be taking forever yet getting here so fast! Pray I do well in accounting (I suck at math and interest and percentages and all that stuff).

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008


The future #1 heartbreaker in the world.. my baby. ;)

I had my last day of Speech today. I've gotten an A in 4 out of 5 classes. I know I won't get an A in math, but as long as I get a C it will transfer to a 4year so I will take it (even though it will drop my GPA down a little bit).

Wish me luck on my final on Thursday! :D

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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Without a moment of hesitation..

So last night I was playing WoW and couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed a quest about 'The Music Man'. This one was titled 'There's Trouble in Winterspring!' which was a play on Trouble in River City. Which of course made that song get stuck in my head and I had to watch the movie.

In the song 'Gary Indiana' I noticed that he says 'Gary Indiana, not Louisiana, Paris, France, New York, or Rome..'. I have to just say I would love to go to Paris. Of course I will probably never go, because it's kind of understood if you go to Paris, you have to go on the Eiffel Tower, and I have this thing with heights. I'm deathly (Ha! I just realized that's a pun.) afraid of them, so I stay away from them and they leave me alone. ;)

I would, however, love to go to London. Have you seen the beautiful London Hotels? They are GORGEOUS! I would love to stay in one close to Kensington Gardens so I could see the statue of Peter Pan!

Of course if we went to the UK we'd have to go and stay in a Birmingham Hotel so we could go to Cadbury World and Drayton Manor theme park. And if we went there, we'd have to go to Manchester and stay in a Manchester Hotel so we could see the beautiful city. Just look at this picture of the town hall!

[ This message brought to you by your friends @ ]

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This post will be random.. sorry for the ADD

They really should make tiny little kneepads for babies. Anytime Baby J has tummy time, his knees get so red from trying to push himself up. Plus, what about people that have hardwood floors? What happens when their babies learn to crawl? Doesn't it hurt their knees? Note to self: create tiny baby kneepads to sell and make lots of money.

Ryan is getting transferred to a new place - not exactly a promotion, as it is smaller than his current place, but it only opened up less than 6 months ago, so it is a step towards a promotion. Basically they want to see if he can handle a newer place, the troubles that come along with a newer place, and those kind of things. He only has 2 more promotions currently available to him, Senior Mgr and General Mgr, so here's to hoping he does a fantastic job (I'm sure he will) and gets the promotion he rightly deserves. :)

So, I joined my sister-in-law's church on Sunday, and went out and got me a new bible. A fresh new bible for a fresh start. I read the entire book of Matthew and wrote down some of my favorite verses, and I'd like to share them with everyone. Feel free to click on the link that says 'more' to see the rest of the verse. :)

Why should I read the bible?
4Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4

Why should I forgive?
14"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."Matthew 6:14

Don't let money rule your life.
21"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."Matthew 6:21
24""No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."Matthew 6:24

A verse I just find interesting
When Jesus was sending out his disciples to spread the word of the Lord, he tells them to leave towns that do not accept the word, for "15I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town." Matthew 10:15

Why you should not be afraid to speak of your faith:
32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32

When you feel overwhelmed:
28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."Matthew 11:28

Put your trust in the Lord
31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"Matthew 14:31

Why you should attend church and pray
19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:19-20

And just because I love hearing about it, Matthew 24:1-35 [MORE] is where Jesus speaks to his disciples about the rapture.

I did have a question or two. Matthew 5:31-32 says: 31"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' 32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. Does this mean only a man can divorce his wife for unfaithfulness? Or are women allowed to do the same? don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a divorce, but I truly wonder. I know a wife should serve her husband, but is she allowed to divorce or is it just him?

Also, Matthew 8:28-34 [MORE] speaks of Jesus sending demons into pigs and the towns people wanting him to leave. I don't quite understand why they wanted him to leave. Were they afraid of his power? Did they know they were corrupt and were ashamed?

So many questions, so little time. This is all for now. :)

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's been a while..

It's been a while, so here's an update.

Baby J is eight weeks old today. He is getting so big already. He's getting so good at being able to keep his pacifier in, when he wants to. He has found his hand in the last week and loves to chew/suck on that instead. He's also taken to drooling in the last few days - pacifier or not. He still has his baby acne but it is going away. We have our good days and our bad days, but mainly good days. He has been baby-sat by Ryan's parents when we went out on a date the week before last, and my parents watched him last night while we went and saw Baby Mama (which was actually a cute movie).

I've taken to walking once or twice a week, I started with the stroller, but just yesterday we bought a baby sling. He didn't quite care for it at first, but today we went on a long walk to the store and with the nice cool breeze and spring air, he fell right to sleep. We also went and saw Penelope with Uncle J, Aunt S, Aunt D, and Uncle R, and he was quiet the entire time. I was so proud of him.

Not much else is going on. I have an A in my management, government and volunteering class, most likely an A in speech, and probably only a C in math, but a C is passing and I will accept it. Math is hard. Next week is our last week of class for this semester. I have 2 more classes for my Mgmt degre (co-op and accounting) and 4 more for my Associates in Arts (2 labs, a humanities and my second history).

I guess this is all for now. I'll leave you with a few pictures that were taken a few days ago.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Rant & Rave..

Baby J has Sixth's Disease AKA Rosoela
My weight loss has hit a plateau (136 @ 5'6")
My math homework hurts my head
I'm exhausted

I actually understand my math HW (it just takes a while to do)
Ryan is off work tomorrow
I think I'm joining a new church on Sunday
I love my family (especially my husband and son)

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why Women Cry

OMG. I have a horrible headache. Math coming up, then speech presentation (about SEX! gasp!) then my 6 week post-partum appointment @ 3:30.

Why Women Cry

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said.
His mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put in a call to God.
When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said: "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed."

"This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed. That tear holds more then men could understand. If a man was to shed her tear it would look enormous."
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"For a woman's tear is full of unconditional love, power, sacrifice, beauty, pain, and compassion."

"All ten fold of what a Man is able to feel. And that, my son, is why I made her as close to being Supernatural. She's my gift to the world; she's an Angel on Earth. Love her and praise her for there will be no other here on Earth that will love you like I do than your Mother. "You see my son," said God, "The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Love you, Miss S

A very dear friend did an amazing thing for me today, and she even introduced me to a wonderful song through it. Love you, S. Call me soon so you can see Baby.

your baby blues / so full of wonder / your curly cues / your contagious smile / and as i watch / you start to grow up / all i can do is hold you tight / knowing…

clouds will rage up / storms will race in / but you will be safe / in my arms / rains will pour down / waves will crash around / but you will be safe in my arms

story books are full of fairy tales / of kings and queens and the bluest skies / my heart is torn / just knowing / you’ll someday see / the truth from lies / when the…

clouds will rage up / storms will race in / but you will be safe / in my arms / rains will pour down / waves will crash around / but you will be safe in my arms

castles they might crumble / dreams may not come true / but you are never all alone / because i will always / always love you / when the…

clouds will rage up / storms will race in / but you will be safe / in my arms / rains will pour down / waves will crash around / but you will be safe in my arms

- Plumb 'In My Arms'

[ Math test tomorrow, wish me luck! ]

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Please don't hate me

Life has been hectic. A baby boy, and school is finishing, plus the normal responsibilities of wife, daughter, sister, friend, you get the idea.

I was very productive today. I did all of this schoolwork.

+ Ad analysis paper
+ Volunteer Analysis paper
+ Math Review
+ Government Quiz
+ 4 seminars for co-op class

I'm very proud of myself. I did all of that, plus I'm on my 3rd load of laundry, I cleaned the kitchen and my bedroom, and straightened the living room.

I guess now would be a good time to write my baby a letter.

Dear J,

You are now 5 weeks old (5 weeks 1 day, technically). I'm sorry for skipping a week, but Mommy has been so busy lately. Finals are coming up and Mommy is working extra hard to get good grades so she can finish school and stay home with you all summer instead of taking classes!

On your month birthday we took you to the mall, and the nice people at Kiddie Kandids took your picture! They were training a new person and we got 12 free birth announcements AND a free 8x10. Mommy and Daddy also bought a sheet of wallets so everyone could look at your pretty face!

Then we took your Aunt D to Rainforest Cafe and you were so good! You slept through the entire thing! Mommy and Daddy didn't know if you were going to be scared or not, but you were such a big boy, we're so proud of you!

Aunt Peanut has bought you a swing, and you love it, Mommy and Daddy do too! You like to be rocked to sleep and sometimes we're too tired and fall asleep before you, so now we can put you in there to fall asleep!

You met Great Grandma S (she doesn't want to be called 'Great', but Mommy and Daddy are going to anyway!) and you met your cousin, Adam! He was so sweet to you, he wanted to give you kisses on your forehead!

We went and saw Uncle D get baptized on Sunday and you stayed quiet during the entire church service, through the singing, announcements, baptisms and the sermon! You made Mommy so proud!

I love you my sweet angel. I thank the Lord for you every day.

- Mommy

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Week 3

Dear Baby,

You are now 3 weeks and 1 day old. How time flies.

You're getting so big - 10 lbs already! You're feeding well and making the right amount of diapers. Speaking of, you're making a smelly diaper right now. The joys of being a parent. ;)

I'm going to start calling you my chunky monkey, you're just too cute. You've already outgrown your snap t-shirts for newborns, we had to move you up to the next size! Your diapers are too small now too. Luckily we have the next size up, but it looks like were going to have to exchange an unopened pack of your others next time we go to the store.

We had our first holiday this Sunday, Easter. Daddy doesn't consider it your first holiday though - he says you are still too small. Granmama bought you a nice Easter ornament, and Grandma and Grandpa Solesbee bought you some formula, hats, shirts, a blanket and a basket that says 'Jack' on it. You got tons of stuff!

You've really taken to rolling yourself on your side, and if you're on a pillow you love to roll yourself off of it. Incredibly adorable and frightening at the same time. We have to make sure one of us is with you if you're not in your crib or bassinet, as you love to roll yourself around into odd places.

You love tummy time and you're getting stronger everyday. Aunt Peanut and I took you for your first walk yesterday, and while you didn't love it, you didn't hate it either. I'm going to take you on longer walks with me when you get a bit older.

Keep on being my sweet baby.


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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saw this..

Saw this and couldn't help but tear up at it. (I guess I still have a few hormones left in me.) I never tried to breast-feed, but know a lot of women who have tried and couldn't for so many reasons - it is a heart-breaking thing to want to care for your child, only to find that you can't.

"Seldom do we suppose, when we see a bottle-feeding mother,
that here is a woman who may have tried so hard to breastfeed
that her heart broke when she could not."
Peggy O'Mara

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

I should get to work..

I'm sitting here in my living room, with a Government outline to complete (as it is due in less than 4 hours), and what it is over I haven't the faintest idea. And I'm not stressing, though I will be here shortly. Why am I not stressing now? Because I am watching my adorable child flailing around in front of me and making baby noises as he gets excited about the lamp.

He is adorable and beautiful and the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. And I created him. I carried him for nine (ten) months, seeing him grow as my body changed, feeling him hiccup, and watching as he rolled around inside of me , my tummy moving with him. And I can't believe how I was able to hold out for nine (ten) months without ever seeing his beautiful face.

He is truly a blessing.

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD." " 1 Samuel 1:27-28

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

A letter and an update..

My dear sweet baby,

I'm sitting here, rocking you in your car seat with one hand and typing with the other. You are just a perfect little angel. I came home from school today and went straight to you and you were sitting in your car seat, wide awake, just being nice and calm and content - you are such an easy baby!

We are now in our third week and I can't believe how amazing you are already.

We took you for your 2-week check up yesterday (you are 16 days old, btw - I just was unable to get you in on day 14) and my how you've grown! You grew a half inch in length and put on nearly TWO entire pounds! You are now 9lbs (exactly) and 21" long - you were 7lbs 1oz and 20.5" at birth. You are growing like a weed! You didn't like it when the doctor examined you but were okay once it was over.

You now eat an entire two ounces of formula at a time, compared to the 1/4 or 1/2 ounce you took in the hospital. You sometimes want more, but your belly isn't that big, so we have to wait an hour or so before letting you have another ounce. Your eyes are bigger than your belly, poor thing!

You pulled your cord off two days ago and it was still a bit early so I have been keeping neosporin and a band-aid on it, but it looks much better now!

You fit into your clothes much better, and soon enough we'll have to retire some of them!

You met Great Granmama on Monday and boy were you confused! Who are all these strange people holding you? They're certainly not Mommy or Daddy!

You went to your first restaurant on Saturday (day 11). Great Grandma Frog and Great Grandpa Pappy came into town and we went to lunch with them and Grandma and Grandpa Cook (my mommy and daddy)! You got a bit fussy and wanted me to hold you, but it was because you were really hot in your car seat.

Daddy went back to work on Monday (day 13) and came home only 45 minutes late! That is wonderful timing for Daddy, and I know he hurried home because he missed you.

I went back to school on Tuesday and man was it hard! I didn't want to leave you- I wanted you to come to class with me! I figured you probably wouldn't like sitting through college algebra or speech, and I don't think I should make you sit through college algebra until you have to.

Well, this is about it Jackson. Not much else happening yet. Always remember how much Daddy and I love you!

- Mommy

One of Ryan's employees bought this onesie for Baby J, and I just had to share this picture. Please read said onesie. ;)

And now my update. School is school. I haven't received my first math test back and I haven't taken the second so I have no idea how I am doing in the class, but I think I know the first two and this 4th chapter pretty well, the 3rd I am concerned about.

I am doing okay in speech, a high B I believe, and I have to take the second test today, so we will see how that goes, with my extra credit points I should have a low A.

My baby is just growing so fast. I also really miss being pregnant. Well, not the actual pregnancy, but what it accomplished, and I am so ready to have another one! Ryan wants to wait 3 years though, and I would like to at least have my 2-year degree, so who knows. Maybe next January we will start working on another one, if I can convince him. (After all, it took 8 months for this one, and if we start trying in January, and it takes that long again, by the time the baby is actually born it will be just over two years.)

I am thinking I may be getting PPD, as I am feeling really overwhelmed at times, and depression does run in my family. My reasons for thinking this are the following:

I am REALLY overwhelmed

School is HARD

MATH is giving me the most problems and I stress out daily over this (to the point of either crying or becoming extremely angry about everything)

Speech is getting better, but the actual giving the speech part causes me so much anxiety my chest starts hurting, I turn bright red, I begin shaking, I can't catch my breath, and I get lightheaded

I love my baby to death, and I would give my life for him, but heaven help me, I wish he would sleep more than 2 hours at a time. I need sleep, and Ryan needs sleep, and I hate having to rely on my brothers to come spend the night on Mondays and Wednesdays because I can't even stay up those nights since I have school the next morning. If I don't have school I'll stay up for 24 hours or so and take care of the baby, but when I have school at 9a the next morning (and have to be up at 7:30a at the latest to get there in time), and MATH for my first class, I need to be semi-alert.

My house needs to be cleaned. It's not dirty, per say, just very cluttered at the moment. I guess I should say my house needs to be organized, not cleaned.

FORMULA IS EXPENSIVE! $25 for a can that lasts a week. Need I say more?

Okay, this entry is long enough I guess.

Anyone got any suggestions for a Persuasive Speech topic? (No abortion related, drugs should be legalized, etc. topics are allowed - basically none of the fall back ones.) Help is more than welcome!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dear Baby J..

Dear Baby J,

You are now 8 days old and already I want you to stop growing.

It's hard to believe that it has already been 8 days since I was in a hospital pushing you out, with Daddy beside me, cheering me on, and whispering to me how beautiful you were, even though he could only see the top of your head. He was so proud the moment you were born - he was holding back tears, watching as they cleaned you up, weighed you, and made sure your vital signs were all okay. He even got to cut your umbilical cord, be the first to hold you, and he was the first to feed you. He even cried when he called Great Granmama to tell her the news. You are so lucky, my little baby; you have the best Daddy in the world, and he loves you so much.

We took you for your 2nd PKU screening today and the nurse commented on how big you were! My little baby is growing already. For the test the nurse had to prick your foot and fill 5 circles on a card with your blood - you were such a trooper! You just sighed when you got poked and made faces like you were going to cry when she squeezed the blood onto the card, but you never did cry! You are such a big boy already!

Your ring for your circumcision finally fell off today, and it looks like your umbilical stump is going to follow any day now. You're already pulling the pacifier out of your mouth and trying (sometimes succeeding) to put it back in again. When did you learn to do that?! You also recognize your bottle and start to wiggle around whenever you see it! You know the voices of your Mommy and Daddy, and you'll look around with those beautiful eyes if you hear us.

You don't cry hardly ever - in fact today was the first time you cried for no reason (that we could find anyway), but even then it was only for about a minute, and then you stopped. Normally you get fussy when you want to eat or be changed, and you only truly cry when getting your diaper changed. We've managed to stop that most of the time by playing music from your giraffe, but there is still the odd occasion when even that won't settle you. You are such a wonderfully good baby, I don't know how I got so lucky.

You had your first throw-up episode last night with Aunt Peanut. She was holding you, and your eyes had been bigger than your tummy with your feeding the hour beforehand and you got sick. Poor thing. Lucky for us both Aunt Peanut was holding you and quickly sat you up, held the burp cloth up to your mouth, and patiently waited until you were done. She didn't complain or say anything bad either! She just wanted to make sure you were okay. She loves you very much.

I guess this is all for now, Mommy has to go study. This has been the best eight days of my life, and I hope you can look back and read these one day, and see how loved you truly are.


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Monday, March 10, 2008

From one topic to the next..

I am just jumping from one topic to the next.

I hate the 'baby blues'. I hate them being called that. It normally kicks in 2-4 days after giving birth and lasts up to a month. WTF. The reason I hate them being called that is because my baby is the only thing that makes me happy right now. I know it is all of the extra hormones that are still in me with no place to go right now, but I am just stressed and upset beyond reason.

I have a to-do list two pages long, my house is dirty, I have math homework, a math review and a math test to study for as well as a speech outline and manuscript to write for my 'Demonstration' topic, but I don't have a demonstration topic because everything I've suggested gets turned down.

She let a student do her demonstration speech on how to put in extensions in her class last semester, but when I suggest how to properly change and swaddle a baby I get turned down because "Though the females in class would probably be interested in swaddling techniques, the males might not." And the males in your class last semester enjoyed learning how put in extensions?! I also suggested how to make an embroidered appliqué burp cloth/patch and got no response, so as of yet that is what I am doing my speech on. I e-mailed her early Friday and never got a response so I better not get told no. If she does, all I have left is how to properly apply self-tanner and that might be a 'girly' topic too - who knows. (By the way, if you can think of a 'How to' demonstration topic that would take roughly 5 minutes, let me know!)

I'm also upset at my body. I have no idea how much I weigh now, as I haven't been on a scale since the Friday before I was induced, and then I was 158. I want to get down to 120 and baby was 7lbs, so roughly 30 lbs is what I have to lose. I didn't get any stretch marks this pregnancy, lucky for me, but now my tummy is just.. gross. If you've ever had a baby you know what I mean. It is just .. there. Not firm, no muscle at all, and just kind of jiggles. :(

Plus my milk came in and my breasts hurt like you wouldn't believe. Luckily I have yet to have leakage as I've kept them bound up pretty tight, away from stimulation and hot water, so I'm hoping I can make the milk go away (and stay away)

Okay. Enough whining I guess. I'm going to go hold my baby and take a nap. I'll leave you with a cute shot I got of him yesterday.

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Sunday, March 09, 2008


Baby J - 3.5.08 - 2 days old

Presenting, Baby J. (Click for full-size picture)

Born on: March 4th, 2008.
At: 5:31pm
Weighing: 7lbs 1oz
Length: 20 1/2 inches

He looks just like his daddy.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I should probably mention..

I am being induced at 6:30 this morning. Less than 2 hours to go. Wish me luck! Ryan and I are about to become parents! :)


Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Few things for laughs.

The Mom Test
"I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. 'Why?' my daughter asked. 'Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty, and probably has germs' I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, 'Momma, how do you know all this stuff, you are so smart.' I was thinking quickly. 'All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mom Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mom.' We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. 'OH...I get it!' she beamed, 'So if you don't pass the test you have to be the dad. ''Exactly' I replied back with a big smile on my face."

Q. Should I have a baby after 35?
A. No, 35 children is enough.

Q. When will my baby move?
A. With any luck, right after he finishes high school.

Q. How will I know if my vomiting is morning sickness or the flu?
A. If it's the flu, you'll get better.

Q. Since I became pregnant, my breasts, rear-end, and even my feet have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?
A. Yes, your bladder.

Q. What is the most common pregnancy craving?
A. For men to be the ones who get pregnant.

Q. What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A. Childbirth.

Q. The more pregnant I get, the more often strangers smile at me. Why?
A. 'Cause you're fatter than they are.

Q. My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational.
A. So what's your question?

Q. What's the difference between a nine-month pregnant woman and a model?
A. Nothing, if the pregnant woman's husband knows what's good for him.

Q. How long is the average woman in labor?
A. Whatever she says, divided by two.

Q. My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A. Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q. Under what circumstances can sex at the end of pregnancy bring on labor?
A. When the sex is between your husband and another woman.

Q. When is the best time to get an epidural?
A. Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q. Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A. Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q. What does it mean when the baby's head is crowning?
A. It means you feel as though not only a crown but the entire throne is trying to make its way out of you.

Q. Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A. Yes, pregnancy.

Q. Does pregnancy cause hemorrhoids?
A. Pregnancy causes anything you want to blame it for.

Q. Where is the best place to store breast milk?
A. In your breasts.

Q. Is there a safe alternative to breast pumps?
A. Yes, baby lips.

Q. What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?
A. It means that the baby's mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse.

Q. How does one sanitize nipples?
A. Bathe daily and wear a clean bra. It beats boiling them in a saucepan.

Q. What are the terrible twos?
A. Your breasts after baby stops nursing cold turkey.

Q. What is the best time to wean the baby from nursing?
A. When you see teeth marks.

Q. Do I have to have a baby shower?
A. Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q. Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A. When the kids are in college.

And I'll leave you with those. Real update tomorrow. I'm sick as a dog right now and don't feel like typing anymore.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just not good timing..

So, everyone knows I'm forgetful and clumsy, but I did something really stupid on Monday. I lost my wallet. I was carrying it in the pocket of the jacket I was wearing since I didn't really need it, but just in case. Well, we leave my in-laws house and it's in my pocket. We go to Babies R' Us, get our car seat, stroller, diaper genie, bottles, sheets, mattress protectors, receiving blankets, thermometer pacifier and a few other little things. Get back to the in-laws house and I don't have my wallet. GRR! I called babies R Us and they say the wallet isn't there. Ugh. It was the only place I had it, other than the van, and I already checked that. I either lost it in the store or the parking lot.

So, now I have to call and cancel all of my CC's, my SS card was in there since I had to see a new doctor the next day, my DL, my school ID, everything. I now have no picture id which means I can't take my math test in the testing center, or any test for that matter. I'll either have to go in early to take the math test or stay late to take the math test after my speech class, but I think my class is the first class of the day for my teacher so there goes the early, and I'm pretty sure he only has one class after it, so there goes staying after my speech class, so I would probably have to skip my speech class and take the test. GRR! I'm so mad!

Also, since Ryan didn't call to transfer the electric when I told him to (He has to since it is his name on the account) we had to get a 'priority' push on it, which cost us $130., and then they charged us $53.84 to transfer the service! WTF! We've had them for 3 years, you'd think they would waive the fee after a certain amount of time!

A bit of good news though is the pulminologist doesn't think it's my heart; he says it is a rare form of acid reflux. Since my stomach is, to quote the doctor, "squished like a pancake" right now he says the acid has nowhere to go except into my throat, which causes my body to think I'm choking, which makes it where I can't breathe. The reason it is worse when I lay down is because it doesn't have to 'climb' to get where it needs to go, it just flows. He gave me PrevACID to take twice a day (he says he normally recommends one but thinks I need two), one when I wake up, one when I go to sleep, and an inhaler to use at night when I was up not able to breathe. At least it's not my heart.

Okay. Off to call CC companies, place a fraud alert on my credit report, and see what other BS I have to do since I'm so retarded.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

You know what..

People really tick me off sometimes. Don't RSVP if you're not going to show up - this goes for all of the people that RSVP'd to my baby shower and never showed up. My sister went to a lot of trouble and spent a lot of money and half of the food and shower gifts (favors and gifts for winning games) went to waste because all of these people RSVP'd and never showed. Also, if you can't make it, call and let me know. Heck, e-mail, IM, msg, txt, whatever and just let me know.

Thank you to Ashley for at least calling. You're sick, you were being polite, and you called. Why do others not have the same consideration?

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

I *LOVE* nice people!

I had to blog about this. Ryan and I went out tonight to get a gift for my sister since she planned and is throwing my baby shower tomorrow. We went, bought said gift, went to Borders, got us both a book (well, I got a book, Memoirs of an Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin, and he got a graphic novel (aka comic book)) then we went and got me McDonald's because, even though I only eat red meat once or twice a year while non-pregnant, I have had a craving for hamburgers lately, so, we stopped, got me a big mac meal, and then went to Burger King for him.

We pull up to the window, and the guy makes sure he got the order right, then sees the McD's bag and says "The lady prefers McDonald's?" not being rude, just asking, I lean over and say "I'm pregnant." He immediately goes "Oh! Okay! No problem! Eat whatever you want! I don't judge!", just being very nice. He hands Ryan back the change and goes "Okay, I give you something for the lady. Next time you bring her here, it'll be good, I promise!" then gave us a free hershey sundae pie slice! FREE! He was just a really nice guy, joked around with us and was real sweet; it's been a long time since I had an experience somewhere that made me want to call and make sure that the person helping me got recognized for their service, but he deserves to be. So, to the guy who was working at 11p tonight at the BK drive-thru off of 121, thank you! I honestly think I will call the corporate office on Monday and let them know, this guy ruled!

Also, Ryan and I were leaving Borders and I walked out the door first, and didn't realize he hadn't caught the door yet, and it ended up hitting him on his hip. LOL. I felt bad but it was funny so I laughed.

And random thing; if I plan on taking a hot shower (they help my back) and I know I'll be in there longer than usual, I'll brush my teeth in there so I don't feel quite as wasteful about just letting the hot water hit my back. Well, it was a sad day when I realized the toothpaste that dripped fell onto my stomach and not the floor of the tub, like it used to. Darn preggo belly!

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Friday, February 08, 2008

Baby shower is tomorrow!

Really excited! My baby shower is tomorrow, I hope a lot of people show up. My mom is making me a cupcake cake since I wanted one for my wedding and didn't get one. My sister has everything organized and will be decorating tomorrow before I get there. If you're coming, please bring a camera and if you're a mom feel free to bring your kid(s) too! They're totally welcome!

Onto my ever-recurrent list.

Things I need to do:
Buy GOVT book for online code

Buy the GOVT code online
(Need CC)

Do math homework 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 (4 parts), 2.2, and 2.3
(Working on now)

Math Ch 1 & 2 Review for test

FAX in co-op forms

Declaration of Independence outline

Speech Test


Set electric up to be transferred
(Ryan has to since he is on acct.)

Sign new lease & pay them
(Ryan's next day off)

Reserve u-haul
(Need CC)

Find somewhere to volunteer and return papers to teacher

Buy present for Sabrina for hosting my baby shower
(Later w/Ryan)

Finish DD online

I think that's it for now.

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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Updated twice in a week? Wow!

I think I've done pretty well with my list, seeing as how some things I simply have no way of completing.

Things I need to do:
Buy GOVT book for online code

Buy the GOVT code online
(Need CC)

Do math homework 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
(Working on now)

Math Ch 1 & 2 Review for test
(Working on next)

FAX in co-op forms

Declaration of Independence outline
(Working on after math)

Speech Test (Thursday 2/7)


Set electric up to be transferred
(Ryan has to since he is on acct.)

Update car registration
(Parents have car)

Sign new lease & pay them
(Ryan's next day off)

Reserve u-haul
(Need CC)

Find somewhere to volunteer and return papers to teacher
(Ask M-I-L)

BMGT Seminars #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 & #8
(After DoI outline if I feel up to it)

Buy present for Sabrina for hosting my baby shower
(Tomorrow w/Ryan)

I think that's it for now.

Oh, quick rant. My government teacher won't grade anything posted to our group discussion board if it is posted too early. for instance, our 2nd discussion board posting is due 2/22. He won't grade anything unless it is posted between 2/18-2/22. Well, I have an appointment with a pulmonary doctor on 2/22, and what if I go into labor and am in the hospital those days? Then I'm screwed on that grade. Oh, by the way, this is an online class. Meaning we should have a bit more freedom with when we are allowed to post things! GRR!

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

What to write..

My brother, S, is home again. Who wants to start a countdown of when he will be gone? I give it a week or two (as mean as that sounds).

My baby shower is on Saturday! HOLY CRAP! Is it really that close?! And on that line of thought, 5 weeks (give or take a few days) left?! EEK! I'm not ready!

I'm moving on the 15th, need to pay tuition on the 14th, and have a speech and a math test on the 12th. STRESS!

Things I need to do:
Buy GOVT book for online code
Buy the GOVT code online
Do math homework 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
FAX in co-op forms
Declaration of Independence outline
Speech Test (Ch's 1, 2, 3, 5, &6)
Set electric up to be transferred
Update car registration
Sign new lease & pay them
Reserve u-haul
Find somewhere to volunteer and return papers to teacher
BMGT Seminars #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 & #8

I'm sure there's more, but no idea what right now.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Nobody wants to know about cat poop..

What to update. Not a lot. I have revised my resolution to blogging only when necessary - nobody wants to read a blog of me whining that my cat will pee in her litter box but absolutely refuses to poop in it.

Thursday: School. Math and Speech. Went with my mother to the bank. One of my families puppies spent the night and wouldn't shut up. I don't need a preview of what I will be going through; I'd like to enjoy my sleep while I can, thankyouverymuch. That was about it.

Friday & Saturday: House/dog sat for the in-laws. Nova and Yzerman had a territory war on the chairs in the kitchen. That was about it.

Sunday: In-laws came home. I did about 5.5hours of math homework (Seriously. 8:30a-10:30a and 5:00p-8:30p) and took a nap. Saw my grandparents for a few minutes. Came home.

Today: Slept till noon. Went to the school - paid my tuition, ate subway while my brother took his math test, registered for a volunteer class so I can get out of writing a book report for my speech class, went back and paid for that class, went to my parents house, took a nap, dropped by Ryan's job with Nova to cheer him up (they're being audited tomorrow) then came home.

That's about all going on. Now do you see why there have been no updates? Tomorrow I have school, I need to get my BMGT papers signed, buy a GOVT textbook for the online code and fill out some form for my volunteer class. I also need to get these nails taken off, pay our new apartment lease, pay the electric, switch the electric to the new place and take Nova to get fixed.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bears on tricycles.

I think I'm doing relatively well updating, considering my iron is low ("extremely anemic"), I'm taking a full course-load, I'm past 32 weeks in pregnancy, I have to attend 2 classes every T/R from 9a-12:30p, and one of them is math and the other is speech.

I had an appointment on Monday, the 21st. Baby is fine. Heart rate was 152 (active), measuring 32cm, weight is 147 (+35 lbs total thus far), BP was 100/60.

I have, however, been having contractions since Sunday (3 days now). I actually had one while the doctor was measuring my stomach and he felt it - he said as long as they aren't within 3 minutes I should be fine. Easy for him to say - he's not the one hurting for 3 days straight with no baby coming as a result!

I also have heart palpitations. My regular doctor thought I had them pre-pregnancy but it wasn't a frequent problem so he didn't do anything about it. Well, now with my extra weight and stress and whatnot it is becoming a problem. This does explain why it is so hard for me to catch my breath and why I constantly had to stop and rest during my maternity photo shoot (Sorry, Sarah!). I can be perfectly fine one minute, then the next I can't get enough air, I get lightheaded, nauseous, dizzy, everything hurts and I have to lay down for a good 30m-an hour to feel better. Sometimes it doesn't go away for hours though - I actually spent most of Sunday on the couch; between the contractions and not being able to breathe there was no way I could do anything.

What else to update. Second week of class, like my math teacher, not sure about the math yet. My speech teacher seems nice enough, but not sure I'll like this class either. I have the same teacher for Govt 2302 as I did for Govt 2301, and while I'm not fond of the class, I was able to manage an A in the previous class and the teacher is pretty nice, so I'm feeling okay so far, and my Co-op class is the same teacher as my co-op from last semester, which I got an A in, so I'm also okay with this class.

Uhm. Lots of drama with my baby shower and I actually told my sister to cancel it, I don't feel like dealing with it anymore. Ryan told me not to let the people ruining it win by making me cancel so we (my sister and I) might just get my close friends together and go to IHOP and have a nice lunch there instead of a big party. Opinions?

Oh, also, I'm sure that I'm only the 900 millionth person to post about this, but RIP Heath Ledger. In my opinion, I think the death was accidental; I think he was just trying to get caught up on his rest after such a trying role as The Joker. I'm sure it didn't help that he was already working on another film. He left behind his daughter, Matilda, and while they weren't together anymore, I'm sure Michelle Williams is devastated by the news also. My prayers are with his loved ones at this time of need.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Italy FTW!

So, some of you know that my family had an exchange student last year. Well, she (M) quickly became part of the family and even though she's back home now, we miss her like crazy. I call her my Italian sister.

Well, my brother is staying over there for a little while (since they are dating) and he is having such a great time! They've visited tons of places, like Rome, Milan and Venice. I did a search for Italy Hotels and came across this great site. It has rates for Rome hotels, Milan hotels, and Venice hotels.

Now, my brother was sick when they went to Venice the first time, so when he got to feeling better they decided to go again, so he could see things, and I shared the link to the Venice hotels with M's family. They have such great rates, including last minute (3 weeks) deals and year-round deals! It's so cool!

Just for fun, I asked M to look at the Milan hotels since she lives there and she said it was really cheap considering the location of most of them, and the quality of the hotels featured. Good to know for when I go visit her! (I plan to!)

Now, the money is in Euro's, but I'm sure you can find a converter, and according to M, it's still really cheap. I love my Italian sister!

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Frigidaire Dishwashers..

So, as most of you know, Ryan and I live in a very small, very old, apartment. Our carpet is old, the paint is old, they simply repaint over mistakes so you can see where the old paint is cracking, and our appliances are old. Our microwave has a TURNING KNOB, for crying out old, and our dishwasher sucks. It has hardly any water pressure, and doesn't get our dishes clean. Even when we rinse them completely and load them in the correct way, they still come out with water stains (though we use jetdry in the spot it goes in, and the right dishwasher soap) and dirt attached to them. It should really be replaced with a Frigidaire dishwasher.

These dishwashers are so cheap - I saw one priced at $209! Compared to other brands frigidaire dishwashers are the best value! They're affordable, reliable, and get great reviews! My parents recently moved and got a brand new dishwasher and love it! There are 7 siblings of mine still living at home, plus my brothers girlfriend, and all of their dishes come out clean and sparkling every time. It cleans their dishes in a timely manner, AND, it keeps the dog dishes clean too! My parents have 5 dogs and their dishes are run in a load by themselves once a week and they always come out looking so clean that people could eat off of them! Guess what kind of dishwasher they bought? That's right! A frigidaire dishwasher. I'm thinking of asking our new apartment to allow us to replace their old dishwasher with a frigidaire dishwasher if they'll let us - I would love having to only run the dishwasher ONCE to get my dishes clean!

This post brought to you by Frigidaire.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Car trouble, School, and WTF moments..

Ryan's car broke down a few days ago and we've been using mine. He was at a red light and the battery light and oil light came on then the car turned off. He turned the key and the car started long enough for him to pull through the light onto the side of the road before it died for good. We had to have it towed and he walked home at 3:30 in the morning (didn't get home until 5).

Something about the fuel pump and the brakes. His parents got it fixed without telling us which upsets me because over half of that was the brakes and we paid $400+ not even a year ago from a brake specialization place for a contract that entitles us to free parts AND LABOR until 2010, and if they told us what they were told was wrong we could have told them to simply have the fuel pump thing fixed and we cold get the brakes fixed for free, if they needed it (which neither Ryan nor I are convinced that they did, as we had the entire system replaced (not just the pad) when we signed said contract). Total cost? $800. His parents said don't worry about it, but why would they tell us how much it cost unless they expect some form of repayment? So there goes our tax refund - $500 to my sister for (ADMITTEDLY MY FAULT) her car, and $800 to his parents for his car. I hate being broke.

Today was the first day of school. Went as I figured, though we didn't get out early in any classes. Math seems like it will be hard but have a very nice teacher; speech seems easy but have a very strict/rude teacher. (Rude as in I only fit in one of the large desks due to my stomach and she made me move to the 'circle of chairs' that was formed anyway. I'm pregnant, lady. It's embarrassing to have to sit sideways in this desk (one of the ones with the chair/desk-combo thing) and look ridiculous.)

And now for your 'WTF' moment of the day, 2 news stories. One as in 'WTF - Why do kids grow up and do these things?' and one as in, 'WTF - How cold-hearted can you be?'.

Teenage girl burned with acid after rape.
Judge apologizes after making cancer victim remove hat.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008


Even more exhausted.

So many thanks to Sarah for doing my belly pictures today. I love her so much, she is such an awesome friend/person. When I get proofs I'll share them, for now go check out her site - she is an amazing photographer.

I think again with the bath/shower, then sleep. Second verse, Same as the first.

1) What is your worst habit?
I have a lot I'm sure - I think my worst would be taking my frustrations/stress out on others.

2) What is your greatest talent?
I.. don't know that I have a talent. Lol. Ryan would say I'm great at scratching his head, I guess. I'm fairly good with lots of stuff, but not great at any one thing.

3) What is your favorite flower?
White rose.

4) What is your favorite restaurant?

5) What is your favorite women's clothing store (non-maternity!)?
Aeropostale - they have the only jeans that make it look like I actually have a butt. (Side note: I sadly could not get said jeans over my fat thighs today for the belly shoot. LOL.)

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Quick update..

I'm exhausted. I told the Dr. I take my iron pill that is 365% of the daily value needed one time a day and he says I'm so bad off (anemic) that I need it twice a day at least. Figures.

I went out today, got my nails done (tips and a pedicure), got a cute bra and panty set, and got my eyebrows waxed.

My sister bought all of the books we need for classes so I'll just borrow her book for our Govt & Spch class and just buy our Math book since I like to have my own one of those with us having HW nearly every night.

I'll bring my curling iron and straightener to my parents house tomorrow so my mom can do my hair for my belly pictures. Hopefully she can trim it a bit too so it looks better.

Mom said she'd go with me to get my driving record on Monday since my brother needs his too, and then we can both do defensive driving online afterwards and get it done.

I'm going to go bathe and shave, then probably pass out until Sarah calls me tomorrow.

Sorry for not a big update.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Things to do.

Things I have to do before the end of the week:

Go get my driving record
Register for a Defensive Driving class
Purchase my Textbook
Buy a cute bra/panty set for my belly pictures
Get my hair trimmed
Get my nails done
Get my eyebrows waxed
Get my belly pictures taken
Get boxes
Pack SOMETHING in my apartment so it isn't waiting until the last minute
Sign my new lease
Go grocery shopping
Do my laundry

Clean the apartment

Anyone want to help?


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Dr appt, belly pictures, new apartment, baby shower

First, had a Dr. appointment yesterday. He agreed we can induce me early so I will for sure have Baby during Spring Break so I don't have to worry about missing classes. No date as of yet, he said we'll talk more about it when it gets closer, but I'm hoping for Thursday the 6th or Friday the 7th, since the next week is Spring Break and I won't have to go back until Tuesday the 18th, which will give me almost 2 weeks home with him. Also, Ryan will be changing his schedule so he doesn't open on Tuesdays/Thursday so he can stay home with Baby while I am in class. Baby's HB was great, 140, resting. Dr. thinks he is head down but will be able to tell better at my next appointment. I gained 4 lbs, and am measuring 30-31cm, which according to the Dr is "perfect". I can always lose the weight afterwards.

I'm getting belly pictures done on Saturday. My friend Sarah is doing them. I can't wait. I want to get my nails done, eyebrows waxed, and hair trimmed before then so I look cute. She also said to get some cute panties so I need to go do that.

Ryan and I got a new apartment, we will be moving in on Feb. 15th. 2br/2ba, it already has accent walls, which I love, nice big fireplace, the room for Baby is at the opposite end as ours, but we can get a baby monitor if we need to, and the apartment isn't huge like a house so it's okay. They also said we could paint, so long as we paint it back before we move so HOORAY!

My baby shower is the 9th of February. No idea where it will be yet, but I don't care, so long as I get one (how selfish of me - but I didn't get a bridal shower or the wedding I wanted since Ryan and I had to pay for it all by ourselves, so I'm so happy to be getting a baby shower). My wonderful older sister is throwing it for me and I think she knows how much it means to me since my whole wedding/pre-wedding was a disaster, so she is trying to make it as wonderful as possible while still paying for everything herself. Honestly, as long as people show up, and there is cake or food, I'll be fine. I don't care about decorations or presents (honestly - I will be so grateful if more than like 5 people come!), I just want to be able to celebrate this little boy that is going to be born!

School starts on the 14th, I need to buy books. I have no idea where to get the money. Crap.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

So thankful..

Not doing so well with my resolution. Anyway. Today's post is going to be different - that's right, I'm not going to rant/complain, I'm going to be thankful.

I found a girl I used to know through a mutual acquaintance on MySpace. Now, we all know that I'm nosey, and I wanted to see what she'd been up to, but her profile was private, so I sent her a friend request. Well, it turns out that said girl is now divorced and re-married, with a baby on the way. Now, I am thrilled that she had found a new love, but I can't help but thinking that people get what's coming to them. This girl was among a group of my old 'friends' (that I only knew online), who thought I was a fraud. Meaning they didn't think I was who I said I was, or did any of the things I claimed to do.

When I announced my engagement and even posted pictures they talked behind my back and said they were fake/not me - EVEN THOUGH I had met 2 or 3 of these people in real life before, nobody stood by me. (I found all this out later, btw.) Then when I announced my wedding day they claimed I was making it up, or I would say something came up and it wouldn't go through, or something of the sort - basically nobody believed me. Even after I got married and posted video/pictures they STILL didn't believe me. They mocked me behind my back, made fun of me, called me horrible names (that I won't repeat), etc.

Now, all of these 'friends' of mine have had a terrible time the last few years while I stopped coming around; without going into details there have been multiple divorces, children out of wedlock, custody battles, failed relationships, etc. Now, I won't say that Ryan and I have a perfect marriage, it is far from it, but we have been able to work through all of the hard times and are finally at a wonderful place in our relationship; we couldn't be happier. We're married, in school, have a baby on the way, things are going great! There are a few things that need work, but there will always be things that need work. I'm just so happy that we're together and are as committed and loving to each other as we are. I feel justified and believe these people got what was coming to them; I seem to be the only person who is doing well and still relatively the same person I used to be - most of these people have changed for the worse.

I used to cry myself to sleep at night when these people were mean to me, and I could never understand why they were like that, but the Lord was watching and He took care of me. He protected me and He loved me and He has provided so much for me. I'm so thankful for my life - it has been rough but He is always there.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Happy New Year!

My resolution? Update more often!

Ryan is actually at work right now (like he has been every year for the 5+ we've been together) but I'm looking forward to a sweet first-kiss-of-the-year when he gets home! Hope you all have a great new year and this year is better than any before it!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

I had to get this out somewhere..

Thanks to my lovely pregnancy hormones I am so stressed right now it isn't even funny. I had to get this stuff out somewhere or I would have gone insane. I feel a bit better, but all of the following are things that are stressing me, making me mad, etc. Thanks for always letting me rant!

Things Bothering Me:
I need to get my hair trimmed
I need my eyebrows waxed
I have literally 2 pairs of pants that fit
I have 4 tops that fit
I need to pay my tuition
I need to buy my books
I need to find an apartment to move into by Feb. 1st
My cartilage piercing is closed
My ear randomly hurts when I sleep on it (so bad it wakes me up crying)
I'm having a hard time breathing lately
My little brother's GF is pregnant
I need to shampoo my carpets
I need to get my dog neutered
My cat won't stop crapping on the floor RIGHT NEXT to the litter box (but pees IN the litter box)
My dog won't quit marking things
My dog peed on one of the 2 pairs of pants I can still wear
My dishwasher needs to be loaded
My trash needs to be taken out
I need to scrub my bathroom but can only use soap and water b/c of the pregnancy and that doesn't seem to do the trick
I'm getting too fat to put my own shoes on
I need to give my sister $500 to fix her car, even though she never mentions it, it makes me feel like crap when I think of it
I am either extremely bored with nothing to do or extremely overwhelmed with everything to do
I get tired way too easy now
I have to get my sleep schedule back on track since I have class from 9a-12:30 T&R starting in 2 weeks
I'm really not liking my dog right now, even though I know it's not his fault he irritates me - he's just a dog, he doesn't know better
I have to go grocery shopping
The laundry needs to be done
I really want to play WoW but I don't want to start (again) now only to have to stop when Baby comes
The dog needs a bath
I need outfits for my belly pictures on Jan. 12
I'm going to be alone on New Years Eve/New Years. Again. For the 6th year.
Pregnancy hormones either make me perfectly content or uncontrollably upset/irritated/mad/sad/etc - never in the middle.

I think this is it for now.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wrapping and ribbon and bows, oh my!

Christmas and holidays take a lot out of you. Having said that - I am fine. Ryan is fine. I got him Assassin's Creed (xbox), Capote, and Season 2 of The Upright Citizen's Brigade for his birthday. For Christmas I got him Dead Rising (xBox), Season 2 of South Park and Season 4 of Samurai Jack. He bought Baby tons of stuff and got me a $150 gift card to Best Buy to put towards a camcorder. I had a Dr's appointment today and everything is right on track. I informed him I don't want an epidural, he said that's fine. I'm 29 weeks, everything is perfect.

Here's what I got for Christmas:

Sweet Valley High Season 1
Sophie Kinsella 'Shopaholic and Baby'
Megan McCafferty 'Fourth Comings'
Sophie Kinsella 'The Undomestic Goddess'
Sophie Kinsella 'Can You Keep a Secret?'
Audrey Niffenegger 'The Time Travelers Wife'
Hercules (Disney)

Baby got tons of clothes and stuffed animals, pacifiers, wash cloths and gowns, and also:
Wrist Rattles (Ryan bought them!)
Lil Dino Lamp & Shade
Lil Dino Musical Mobile (From Ryan!)

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Whining Wednesday!

You all know this is my favorite kind of post. ;)

Whining Wednesday!

My puppy needs to be fixed so he will stop marking everything.

I need to rent a carpet shampooer and really clean my carpets because me using a sponge and some cleaner doesn't feel like it gets it all clean to me.

I need to pay next semesters tuition.

I'm having second thoughts about going to school next semester as I am due in the middle of it and if I am this tired now, how much worse will it be then? (Also, a math class with a newborn? How dumb am I?) But I really want to finish school.

I need to complete my defensive driving course.

I am PEEVED at my neighbors for leaving their cat out ALL DAY for days on end. He has been out at 3 and 4 am lately, when the temp is 30 degrees or below! I would take him in but my cat would try to hurt him. I may get a crate to put him in and if I see him out at night in the cold again keep him in the house until morning so he won't be out in the cold all night long.

My dog also needs to learn to stay out from under my feet (think: the incident the other night). He gets too excited and nearly trips me at least 3 times a day.

I need to find a new apartment, in our price range, with enough room, by the beginning of February!

ENOUGH ALREADY with the 'OMG! Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant!'. YES! IT IS BAD! Yes, it is bad that she is only 16, pregnant with a 19-year olds baby, and is not married, HOWEVER, that happens EVERY DAY in this country and the only reason people are making a big deal out of it is because of her celebrity. I agree that she is supposed to be a role model for young girls - she is the star of a show for tweens on Nickelodeon and this is NOT the correct image for young girls - HOWEVER, there are lots of un-wed teenage girls that are pregnant or already have kids in America today (sad, but true) and we need to stop giving her attention as it only gives her more publicity and this thing doesn't need anymore publicity than what it has.


I think I'm done. I feel a little better. Tomorrow? Thankful Thursday!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

News and Dogs

Seriously? Have y'all seen this? Ten-Year Old Faces Felony Weapon Charges after bringing a steak knife to school - to cut her steak! Now, granted, it was stupid of the girl/her parents to allow her to bring a knife to school, they could have cut up the steak for her at home before sending it with her to her school, but to press felony weapon charges against her? The teachers/principal even admitted she only used it to cut her steak; she sat away from other students, never pointed it at anyone, etc. She wasn't going to hurt anyone. Now she's suspended and facing felony charges. How ridiculous.

Last night my dog decided he wanted to eat the ant trap we have in our tub (we have ants ONLY in our bathtub) and when I went into the bathroom and saw him I bent down to pick up the chewed up trap from the floor and he ran under me, knocked me off balance, and caused me to fall onto the sharp corner of the counter on my stomach with all of my weight. I hate my dog sometimes. It hurt so bad. It was red and hot and my entire stomach was rock hard for about an hour afterwards. It's okay now, and no bruising, but it hurt like a mofo. Baby is also kicking up a storm so I'm sure he's okay, and I'm sore, but my dog is so stupid.

You know what irritates me? That my dog can be so stupid and so smart at the same time. Case in point; Ryan scratches Nova with his feet while he plays video games - Nova is smart enough to realize that shoes go on your feet, and he gets scratched with Ryan's feet, so if Ryan doesn't want to scratch him anymore and tells him to go away, Nova will go sit in front of Ryan's shoes (that he isn't even wearing!) and try to get scratched by them. See? SMART! Yet I have to yell at him twenty times to get down off of the couch (loveseat, actually) because with my tummy now big there isn't enough room for BOTH of us if I want to lay down. ("Get down. Get Down. Get Down! GET DOWN!" :shove:)

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Monday, December 17, 2007

More News Stories..

I just can't believe how stupid, cruel, and amusing some people can be.

First we have the Stupid, meaning the EMT's that incorrectly declared a woman dead at the scene of a car accident, then took 2 hours to get her to a hospital. I know EMTs, and even they remarked on how dumb you have to be to make that mistake.

Then we have the cruel; there's the man who would rather kill his wife and children then go through a divorce and have another person help raise his children, and then we have the modern day slave owners.

And finally there's the amusing - first there's the inmates that covered the escape holes in their cells with bikini pictures, a nice nod to Shawshank Redemption right there, and then we have the man who sold his sons Guitar Hero III when he caught his son smoking pot - he sold it on Ebay and got $9,100.01 for it!

Nothing really going on - I woke up with a headache and I thought they were finally gone. :( It hasn't gone away even with two extra strength tylenol, which is all I can take. That's really it. I need to go shopping for Ryan's birthday present soon, as his birthday is in 5 days, and one of my brothers has a birthday tomorrow. I think this is it for now.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007


I feel this weeks Post Secret works were better than last weeks.

Ryan and I went and got more Christmas presents last night, and I think we're almost done. We also went to see this tree that is covered in lights on every single limb - it was really pretty, and I'm sure it took forever. It was a rather large tree and every single branch that could hold the weight had lights wrapped around the entire branch, not one spot of openness. Really pretty.

My brother is officially in Italy and I want pictures. Same goes with Sarah and Baby being in Michigan - pictures, por favor. :)

Both of my pets have unbelievable smell issues when they potty, and when they do it in the house I get so mad because IT SMELLS UP THE WHOLE FREAKING PLACE!

My baby shower is February 9th, 2008 @ 2pm. I need addresses from Sarah, Ashley, Amy, Tracy and Cassandra.

I think this is it. Time to go shower. Later tonight Ryan and I are going to his parents for dinner and to do some laundry. Fun fun.

Oh yes, I have all of my grades, finally. 3 A's, 1 B, 1 C.

I feel as though I'm forgetting something, I suppose I'll remember it later.

** Oh yes, now I remember - Only 88 days until my Due Date!**

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Saturday, December 15, 2007


Got our first present from our registry today. Ryan's (paternal) Grandma bought us this glider and ottoman. It is staying in the box until we move, and yes, it is at our house. I'm very grateful for the gift, but it is large and now I have to push the top of the box away from me just so I can get in the kitchen (AKA - there's only a small walkway from the 'dining room' into the kitchen and I'm FAT right now! So I have to push the box away to get my fat stomach and myself into the room).

Baby is moving like crazy. Nova is sick. Ryan got called into work but didn't go in since we needed to get the present delivered here, and we also have shopping to do before Christmas and who knows when we would be able to do it (Oh, also, HE DIDN'T GET HOME UNTIL SIX IN THE MORNING LAST NIGHT, so that may have affected it a little). This is about it.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

I passed!

Well, I passed my sugar test, though my iron was low. I figured, as I've been anemic off and on for years, and lately have been craving ice again. apparently I need to take an iron supplement twice a day, so it was pretty low.

Also, one of the Grandma's on Ryan's side (not clear on who) got us a present from the baby registry and apparently it's "pretty big" and my in-laws want to bring it to our house. Our 500 sq ft apartment. That already has boxes lined up against every possible wall because they wanted us to clear out Ryan's old room for a guest bedroom (which they have yet to do, by the way). they also know we will be moving in February and don't need another box (much less a BIG box) cramped in our apartment. And it's not like they haven't been here. They have. They commented on how tiny the place is. Yet now they want to stuff more things in here. I feel a bit like a sardine as it is. Ryan won't ask them to store it at their house. Like it would be a big deal. They could leave it in their garage (or hey, even in the 'guest room' which isn't a guest room yet) for a month and a half. We plan to move at the beginning of Feb. so what is the deal with 6 weeks? If it's in the garage they won't even know it's there. Also, I have a good idea of what it is. We only put a few 'big' items on our list; a crib, a rocker/glider chair, a stroller/car seat combo, and possibly a pack and play, though I don't think I put that last one. If his parents are getting us the crib it can only be one of two (or three) things.

ANYway. I think this is all. OH! Anyone know of a good place to get free boxes to pack stuff in? :)

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

I know, I know..

I know, no update yesterday (today?). Whoops.

Anyway, my brother is going to Italy today (the 13th) to go see his girlfriend. I'm nervous for him and hope he has a wonderful time. I miss his girlfriend like crazy (she was an exchange student last year and became a sister to me) and hope she has a great time with him while he's there. That's about all I have to say, just nervous and miss his girlfriend tons, and hope he has a great time. He is the first person in our family (besides Ryan) to ever go out of the country, much less take a 12 hour flight to a place where you need to know another language. (Ryan went to London in 9th grade.)

Nova was a bad puppy - he managed to get out of the bathroom tonight while Ryan and I were out (we keep a gate up so he won't make a mess while we are gone - it works in theory) and he got into the trash in the bedroom and the kitchen, pottied in the living room and the kitchen, got into the cat litter, and made a mess in the bathroom too. He's a naughty puppy so he is staying in the bathroom all night instead of sleeping with us.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dr. appt today..

I had another prenatal appointment today. Dr says I am measuring right on track, and baby seems fine. He actually fell asleep when the Dr used the doppler. You could hear the heart beating really fast (150-ish), then it slowly started going down (140-ish), I thought that was so amazing! I also had to drink the nasty glucose drink and will get my results tomorrow. I know that my iron levels will come back low - they always do - I'm incredibly anemic and as soon as I get my iron levels normal, something happens and they drop again. I know they'll make me take supplements for that, and that's fine, I just hope my sugar levels are normal.

My doctor (OB) is also worried about the pain in my side. He says since the Amoxicillin isn't helping my side he wants me to go to see a urologist, but my urologist (How sad that I'm 22 and have to have a urologist? Oh well, it's due to my kidney stones) says he can't do anything really since I'm pregnant. He could do a kidney U/S, but that is quite expensive and even if there is a stone, they can't do much unless it is causing major damage to my kidney.

Anyway, my mom had surgery on Monday to remove the recalled mesh (the mesh broke into pieces and cuts peoples insides up) that was used to 'fix' her hernia. The doctor (and I'm taking this with a grain of salt, as her hernia has been 'fixed' 4 previous times) says he removed all of the mesh (which if he truly did, then I owe him a lot), fixed her main hernia, as well as a few smaller hernias he found, and says he also fixed a few lesions which were caused by the broken mesh. He then put in biodegradable mesh that will slowly deteriorate while strengthening her stomach muscles. While I waited the hour until I could get my blood drawn I went to see her (since the hospital is attached to my doctors office); she looked good, but was clearly in pain. I hope she gets better soon.

Okay, I'll be done now.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Kind of sad, but sweet at the end

So I had a bad night about 2 nights ago - I can try to blame it on the hormones, but honestly I think it would have been much the same even if I wasn't pregnant.

I was going through our room, cleaning out the closet, trying to get things organized for when we move in 2 months so it isn't a mad scramble. I'm also going through things and giving away what we don't need (meaning the pants Ryan has never worn in the 5+ years we have been together, unused purses, bags, dishes, etc) to CCA or Goodwill. Well, I was cleaning out all of the junk from his backpack so I could fit it into the one duffel I was letting myself keep and I came across his Creative Writing folder. The one he needed for English. The one he needed for English that semester. And I couldn't breathe. I was sitting on the bed, just staring at it, knowing I shouldn't open it, but of course I did. At the time I used the excuse of 'Well, he is an English major with an emphasis in Creative Writing, maybe this is a different class', but I knew it wasn't. And of course that story was in it. And of course I couldn't resist reading his peers commentary on it. It was one of those stories you write a draft of, then your group of 4 or 5 people write their thoughts. And of course they all sympathized with him; they said things like they could understand with a wife like that, and how dare the wife be angry at the husband, and, I wish I was making this up 'Good for you for finding someone better'. I knew I shouldn't have read those - I knew it would upset me, but I had to.

I will give myself credit though, I did not read the story again. I had to read the last few sentences since the comments were made on the last page, but I left it at that. I knew what the story said, I didn't need to see it again - it would have just hurt me more and also made me angry because of the lies he put in it (like saying we didn't have sex for months, or that he had slept on the couch almost since we were married - he didn't sleep on the couch until after I took him back, and even then it was only for two days) to make me seem like a terrible wife.

Anyway, Ryan came into the room to see what I was doing (he had been watching TV in the living room) and saw that I had been crying and asked what was wrong, I really didn't want to talk about it so I said nothing and stuffed the few bags I let myself keep into the one duffel I had decided to keep (once the duffel was full I didn't let myself keep any more bags). He came over and had me stand up and he looked at me and looked really concerned and asked me again what was wrong. I told him nothing, but of course something was so he just kept looking at me and I said "Could you please just get rid of this?" and handed him the folder. It took him a minute but he recognized it and he said "Of course" and went and threw it away then came back into the room and held me while I cried for a good ten minutes. He kept saying "I love you. You're the only one I want. I love you." and was extra sweet to me that night, and now that I think about it, he has been extra sweet to me for the past few days.

I realize it will never fully go away, but I think that really helped me to be able to forget about it for another good while (I hadn't thought about it in months up until the other day). I love my husband.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Little offended/worried..

So for my final project for Drama I had to submit a play, have an assigned person read it and give me feedback, and then submit the final draft. That's all cool, but we do all of this to an open discussion board. I was reading the discussion board/other plays (because I'm nosey and like to see what other people wrote) and notice my teacher responded to every single post, except mine.

Now, do I take this as good news - she didn't feel that she needed to criticize my work, as it was pretty much what she wanted/expected (I do have a 94 in the class currently), or do I take it as it was too awful for her to even try to fix it, or even worse, did she just forget about me?! I don't even know.

Um. Today not much happened; I watched Ryan play some Halo 3, I went to Wal-Mart with Sabrina and Joey and they bought me powdered donuts (dang pregnancy cravings!), came home and realized there is so much drama on the April birth board and I am so lucky to not be on that one, and have been chatting on the DB with my birth group for a little while.

OT (aha, what's ON topic in this blog?): Anyone know anywhere that will hire a fat, pregnant lady? Nobody wants to hire me and I need money (holiday shopping, school tuition, and, oh yeah, fixing my sister's car).

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Saturday, December 08, 2007


I am done with school this semester. I have decided to take the C in my business class. I have 766/1000 points right now, which is a high C, and I'm okay with that. I finished my test for Drama (got an 86) and as long as I get a B on my final script I should have an A in that class. Yay.

Okay, here are some random news stories that just make you go 'WTF?':

Coach has sex with 16 year old hockey player.
Um, how stupid are you? You're 35, she's 16, she's jail bait, she's your student, she trusts you, she'll probably break up with you soon anyway since she is 16. Also, do you think her father would not call her friends house where she was 'staying the night', and what if the friend got mad and told where she really was? Plus, giving her gifts? Don't you think her parents will wonder where she got the new iPod and cell phone? You deserve the $30,000 fine (not so much 15 years in jail, as she was old enough to make most decisions and I think the jails are over-crowded as it is, so we should keep space for people like murderers open).

Penn State Students Dress Up As VT Victims.
That is just wrong. It is uncalled for, and is actually pretty disgusting. Innocent people were murdered by a deranged psychopath; those people were brothers and sisters, daughters and sons, fathers and mothers, friends and significant others - how would you feel if someone you knew had been killed that day and you saw someone dressed in what you wore? Shame on you, Penn State girls, you disgust me.

And finally: Guy Finds Condom in Burger.
Ew. Just.. nasty. I honestly almost threw up when I saw that headline. That is so disgusting. I'm guessing one of the workers thought it would be funny to play a trick on someone (stranger or maybe they thought they knew him - either way), lo and behold what happened. So gross. I am so glad I don't eat Burger King.

Quick rant, because what would a post of mine be without one? ;)
I ordered some presents from Victoria's Secret, and they were delivered on time - that part I am fine with. The problem? I didn't know they were delivered. As some of you know, I have had complications with this pregnancy and therefore it is best if I don't work, also all of my classes are (were?) online so I am at home until at least 7pm every day.

My rant is that UPS did not try to deliver it to my door; they took it straight to my apartment office. Okay, fine, you're lazy, but it is your job to try, at least once to deliver it to my door. I know you didn't, because I was home when you delivered it at the office (at 2:54pm on a Monday). And if you are not going to deliver it to my door, don't lie to the office people and tell them you tried! It is so irritating when I am waiting for 2 weeks for a package and don't have it. I didn't get a knock on my door, and UPS didn't even leave a note on my door saying they had tried to deliver it! The person was too lazy to either A.) find my apartment or B.) Climb the one flight of stairs to get to my apartment; they simply took it to the office and lied and said they tried to deliver it. Also, didn't just happen once happened twice, with two different packages. If you are too lazy to try to find my apartment or climb the stairs to it, get a new job.

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